The Woods

It's 10am the next morning, Jade and Jason wake up and start panicking. They realize they never said anything to their foster mom about staying the night. The twins gather their things quickly and go to their foster home after saying goodbye to Leo and Katie.

"I think dad's still out there Jason. Someone showed up at Leo's house and just took off down the street. I think he's in danger and he's been watching over us. Next thing I know i get this terrible feeling of being watched, not the same feeling from before and I didn't even move." Jade says patiently waiting for Jason's reaction. "I....I don't know Jade, if he is we have to find him. I knew I felt off last night before I dozed off. Well see if Katie and Leo can help us later for now let's go deal with the fosters.

They get inside, Monica and Garrett are in the living room and they look pissed. "Where have you guys been all night!!!???" They ask simultaneously. "We ended up falling asleep at Leo's house while doing research. We didn't mean to." Jason says in a sorry tone. "We need to figure something out can we please go back in a couple hours. We won't fall asleep over there again. We never ask to go anywhere or do anything but this is important to us." Jade asks with anticipation and in the nicest way possible. The fosters looked in shock, Jade is always screaming at them or catching an attitude with them. "We suppose you can stay there tonight since you asked so politely under one condition. This house has to be spotless by the time we get home. That's your punishment for staying out so late last night." Garrett says looking at Monica nodding her head in approval. "You know we actually care about you two, no matter how you get on our nerves. We want you to be happy, but you have to make it easier on yourselves." Monica says. They talked a lot last night while the twins were away about how they treat them because of their past mistakes. They decided if they're gonna be here for the long run they have to start caring.

The twins finish cleaning the whole house every nick and cranny. The fosters approve so they drive them over to Leo's house. "Does Leo and his mother know you two are staying tonight?" Monica asks before they get in the car. "Well we wanted to wait til we asked you but Katie said it was ok as long as you guys were ok with it." Jade says. Jason cuts in, "Katie is Leo's mom." he says clarifying. "Ok have fun kids." Monica tells them as they go inside Leo's place.

"Hey guys, I didn't know if you'd make it. Me and my mom saw what you were writing about last night Jade, we should explore deep in the woods and go camping to see what we find." Leo starts. "We could set up a camp site today and then search when we're done to see where that man came from last night. and who he is." Leo says excited. "Thats sounds like a good idea but what do you mean who the man was from last night?" Jason looks at Jade. Leo grabs the notes she wrote after both men visited near the house. "You didn't tell me you wrote about it." Jason starts reading some. "You didn't tell me you went outside after the first man, why would you do that without waking someone up?" Jason stares at Jade. "What if its not our father and some creep waiting for the right time to snatch you up? What if he didn't run off into the woods?" Jason says getting angry. "The first man seemed like he was just looking in real quick he ran away without a word, he seemed harmless. The other guy didn't say or do anything either I figured he was after the first man. He gave me a eery feeling when he was watching me tho." Jade says, "I don't know if its a good idea to go guys, what if that man is dangerous, even if it is our father. Maybe he wouldn't want us to go, maybe thats why he sent us away and set all this stuff up."

Ignoring everything Jade just said everyone is already packed up and ready to go. Katie calls her two police officer friends to join them in case the man is dangerous and this puts Jade a little more at ease. They head out and set everything up early so they can start the search for the cabin before dark. They go past the state lines of the forest in an area the officers even say no ones ever been out this far, but this is their best bet. If he hasn't been found thus far then that means he has to be far into the woods.

Jade starts trying to put herself in her dads shoes if it really is her dad. Where would she hide for 16 and a half years. How would she survive for 16 and a half year alone with someone trying to hunt you and kill you 24/7. Her mind came up with so many ideas. She can feel it in her heart that its her father.