Bigger than we Thought

Once unpacked and set up they all head out searching. Jade and Leo take a path with Officer King, while Jason, Katie, and Officer Jennings take another. . Leo and Jade stay ahead talking and laughing while searching for any sign of something someone could live in so discreetly for years on end. Strangely enough they come past some steep woods going downhill and at the end they see a deep hole, sort of like a underground door to something. "Why would he leave the door open to this if he's in hiding? How has no one stepped upon this after 16 years?" Jade says slowly going towards the hole in the ground with a door swung open on the side. She yelps as she trips losing her footing on the hill causing her ankle to twist. Leo and Officer King run towards her. "Are you ok?! What happened?!" Leo calls out. "Did you see something?" Officer King says shortly after. "Yeah I'm ok, just lost my footing. Its fine." She gets up and starts walking towards them. "Maybe we should go get the others and get a lot more flashlights." Leo suggests, "Maybe even come back in the morning and look around, can you text your fosters to see if you can stay out til tomorrow afternoon or so?" he asks. "Ummm...I can see but I don't know what they're gonna say, we didn't tell them we were going camping." Jade says. They start walking back to the camp site.

* * *

"Katie come look at this!" Jason calls out, pointing to a bunch of foot tracks looking like two separate sets trailing off into the distance and some blood on the tree. "Oh my god!" Katie shouts. "What...." "I don't know" Jason responds before Katie can speak. He starts towards the tracks, finding more blood in the distance. Katie follows. They both stop dead in their tracks at the site of a deer still breathing, with its organs ripped out of him scattered across the area. "We should go back and see if the others found something as well. Then circle back whichever way." Katie says to the Officer Jennings and Jason. The officer still not saying a word until they are back on track away from the tracks and the blood and the deer. "Where were the deers prints?" asks Officer Jennings. "I..... I don't know." says Katie and Jason simultaneously.

Finally everyone meets back up at the camp site and they all discuss everything they saw. "It can't be any coincidence this is all found near this area." Jade says, "They have to know where eachother are and sending signals or something." "Shes right possibly Dads or the other guys shelter being wide open, leaving the deer alive. This is some kind of war and they're sending eachother some kind of warnings or signs that the other has found the other." Jason says. "We have to help him!" says Jade frantically. "First we have to find him. Let's get some sleep and take turns keeping watch, its getting dark." Leo chimes in. "Fine." says Jade, "I'm keeping first watch."

Jade stay up for at least 2 hours when she feels the eyes on her, but she doesn't feel afraid. "Who's there?" Jade says whispering. "Its ok, I'm not afraid. We wanna help you." she gets no response but a twig breaking abruptly. "Dad, its me Jade, is that you?" suddenly whoever it is takes off, then not even a whole 5 seconds later i can hear another set of footsteps heading towards our camp sight trying to run past. Jade grabs one of the officers hand guns and points it directly at this things face. "Don't move!" She yells the man stops abruptly about 10 feet away from the campsite. "And what are you going to do sweetheart?! He's the one I need. Stay out of this Jaaaaaaadde!" the man doesn't sound like a man at all. He has a deep deep raspy voice, not even human-like at all. He gets a little taller and runs past fast, all Jade could see is a shadow fly past her but heard no footsteps. *What is he up against? This isn't a man thats after him.*

Jason is walking out of his tent. "What happened?" he asks. "Can we talk about it tomorrow im tired. Whos watch is it?" Jade says softly shook from everything that just happened. "I guess I can since I'm awake. I'm surprised you didn't wake anyone up. Can you at least tell me what you were yelling at?" Jason asks. " didn't hear that voice? The one that responded to me?" She asks shocked. Jason looks confused, "No, what did he say?" "Nothing Jason ill tell everyone everything in the morning, we have to find dad and figure out what this is. Do you think you can convince the fosters to let us stay one more night? This is gonna take more than half a day." Jade responds weakly. "Yeah, ill ask in the morning. Night sis." Jason says worried.