You Talk Too Much

"Motherfucker! I told you to stay away!" Chris spat in anger before kicking Marcus's lifeless body away.

He just killed his comrade and yet there wasn't a shred of remorse on Chris's face. He was more worried about the bloodstains on his pearl white clothes than a life. He was pissed that his clothes were ruined, so much so, he began bashing the dead man's skull.

Zaen didn't care about others. Especially the ones who had harmed him in any way. Let it be in the past or the present. Yet, even he felt a bit dishearten by the way Chris was behaving with the corpse. Hell, if someone saw him like that, they wouldn't believe he was supposed to be a protector of the people.

'He's the living proof of the sickening behaviour of the special force...'

Zaen shook his head in disgust. His indifference towards the special force had quickly turned into hatred. Sick minded individuals like Chris didn't deserve to live in their world, yet they were the ones who always prevailed over others. Zaen didn't have any sympathy for Marcus, but no dead man deserved to be treated the way he was being treated. Zaen felt... conflicted. On one hand, he hated Marcus but on the other, he hated Chris more now.

'Should I... kill him?'

Killing monsters and killing humans were two entirely different things. While killing monsters could make someone a hero, killing a human could make the same man a monster as well.

'No. That man is no human. He's a monster even worse than ghouls.'

Most of the ghouls were mindless creatures who kill to feed on their prey. It's in their nature. It was no excuse for killing anyone but they were like hyenas desperate for flesh. On the other hand, Chris wasn't someone who had to kill to keep himself alive. He was just a sick bastard. That's all there was to it.

Zaen didn't feel any hesitation before killing a monster, but when it came to killing a human, he... began contemplating his next move. Should he run or fight? So far running wasn't an option for him but now that Chris was distracted by Marcus, he could make a break for it. Either way, no matter what he decided to do, he needed to get rid of his fatigue first.

He quickly popped open an energy drink before draining its content in his mouth. A moment later, he felt a jolt of electricity coursing through his body and all of his fatigue disappeared in an instant. Chris was still busy taking his anger out on Marcus's corpse and hadn't noticed what Zaen did.

But before Zaen could decide his next move, Chris lifted his gaze, carefully looking at everyone around him. Chris's expression suddenly took a turn. He was no longer laughing, his maniacal smirk got wiped off his face. It seemed the weight of his actions had finally dawned on him.

'Bastard now realises he just killed an officer in presence of two witnesses.'

However, the grave expression was soon replaced with that of a psychopath and he began laughing once again.

"It's perfect!" Chris howled, "I have the perfect story to cover up this mess! Hahahaha!"

'This fcker has lost it now...' Zaen thought while bracing himself up for another battle.

"I'll just have to kill the two of you..." Chris laughed pointing his fingers at Zaen and Miranda, "'A mysterious attacker assaulted us while we were busy handling the ghoul. He took advantage of this moment and attacked my fellow Impounders, knocking them unconscious. After that, the special officers took action but sadly both of them were killed in action. At last, due to my unsurmountable strength and valour, I was able to execute the assailant.' Sounds like a good plan, don't you agree? I might even get another medal for it, can you believe that? Haha!"


To Zaen's surprise, Miranda shot her taser at Chris. But he was already prepared for it and blocked it with his hairs. The chains retreated deep inside his bangs and thus, didn't get in contact with the taser's wires. Chris didn't receive the electric shock, as Miranda had planned.

Miranda's attack didn't work on him, but the attempt to harm him made Chris angry. He was the one supposed to deal the beatings not receive them. He launched his chains at the female officer, but the moment he did so, Zaen rushed towards Miranda.

Miranda was struck by fear. She desperately wanted to move, to dodge the incoming attack, but she couldn't. Her feet were rooted to the ground, refusing to move. The chains would kill her in a moment, but she couldn't stop it from happening. She closed her eyes, not wanting to witness the cause of her death. Seconds passed and she waited and waited, but nothing happened.

She reluctantly opened her eyes. And what she saw next made her fall on her knees. The chains were millimetres away from her face. The chains were struggling to move forward and impale her, but couldn't. Behind the chains, she saw the masked man was holding the chains back with all his might. His hands were bleeding but he didn't let go. It was too much for her. She couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the ground, unconscious.

After confirming that Miranda was safe, Zaen finally let go of the chains that had bit into his hands like saw blades. He quickly used a bandage to heal the wounds as he wouldn't have been able to use his dagger efficiently.

"Wait for your turn to die, you imbecile!" Chris lashed out at Zaen.

"The only one dying tonight is you." Zaen finally spoke up as Miranda was the only one who could recognise his voice and now she was unconscious, "Trash like you do not deserve to live in this world. And tonight I'll make sure to undo God's mistake by ending you."

He wasn't sure before, but now he had made his decision. He was going to kill this bastard. He was worse than scum for turning his weapon against his allies, who didn't deserve to live.

"Look who can talk! I thought you were mute or taciturn." Chris once again started laughing like a maniac, "No matter what you are, you think you can kill me? The leader of the Impounders? A man who has far surpassed the natural limits placed on humanity? Haha- What the hell-"

While Chris was boasting about himself, Zaen activated shadow step, disappearing from Chris's sight and reappearing just behind him.

"You talk too much," Zaen whispered in his ears.

Chris hastily turned around but before he could do anything, Zaen slit his throat. Chris collapsed on his knees, tightly holding his neck, trying to stop the bleeding while desperately gasping for air. Tears started flowing through his eyes, his eyes that no longer carried the arrogance they did before, but were now filled with desperation. His expensive clothes were soiled with his blood. He tried to grab Zaen with his bloody hands but Zaen kicked him away.

"Surpassed humanity, my ass," Zaen mumbled before walking away from the soon-to-be-dead man.