Lose Control (1)

A couple of hours had passed since Ravener and Paragon had left Zaen's home. However, Zaen was still on guard. Now that his location had been exposed to a bunch of unknown people, he had to be on the edge for the rest of the night. With his dagger next to him, he was mentally preparing himself to fight, while hoping no one with malicious intent would step a foot into his home ever again.

"Being on guard might help me now, but it won't do me any good in the long term. At this point, the only thing I can think of is to leave this place as soon as possible." Zaen mumbled to himself, "If I can't find another place then, at least I'll have to make some arrangements for Aeron where he can stay safe for a long term. The only problem is, there aren't many people whom I can trust at this moment."