Invasion (1)

Meanwhile, at an unknown place...

The place which was once filled with light and happiness had turned dark and smoggy. The safe haven for the brotherhood was no longer untouched by the corruptness of the Hand. Everything the brotherhood had, either had been destroyed or was in the process of being destroyed.

Chilling winds were rushing into the now broken and abandoned homes while ghostly whistles echoed through the streets. The way everything was, it felt as if everything was over, but it wasn't. The night had been eerily quiet until a faint booming noise interrupted the silence. The booming sound was followed by another one, and another and another one. 

The explosions kept happening ceaselessly and were soon followed by the screams of those who were unfortunate enough to get caught in them. Nothing could be heard apart from the deafening sounds of explosions and screams of people begging for mercy.