Riot? (6)

"I have known about her for some time now. Dad left a letter behind for me and he had mentioned her there. We have been in contact for a few days. Is there a problem or something?" Zaen asked Uncle Mack because he didn't seem to be in good mood.

"No, that is completely fine. It's just that Jack had been a partner for her... little illegal business and I don't want you to-"

"I know about Evenbury alley and I have known about it even before mom and dad disappeared." Zaen was blunt about it all, "I know you're worried about me and Aeron, but Michelle is someone who can protect us better than your security."

"You sent Aeron to live with her, didn't you?"

"I did it to protect him. And no one can stop me from doing what I think is in the best interest of my brother."

"You can not do that without taking the permission of his legal guardian-"