A Single Mutant Is Enough (3)

"Something's coming. Everyone, get back into positions-"

Saturn ordered everyone, but he was a bit late. The next moment, the Killzone disappeared and something was thrown out of it like a ballistic missile. Lopt barely dodged it at the last moment by jumping out of the way. 

However, before any of them could go and check what it was, something else rushed over in that direction.

"Zaen-" Minerva recognised Zaen from his armour.

"Stay away for now!" Zaen cut her short as he and Frenzied Ghoul rushed over to the other side of the beach where that 'thing' had collapsed. 

The next moment, the humanoid mutant emerged from the hole that had been created due to the impact. However, the mutant was no longer in the tough shape like Saturn remembered. Both of its limbs were missing and it looked as if the living hell had been beaten out of it.