WebNovelcase: 1717.65%

when questions begin


               "WHEN QUESTIONS BEGIN"

      "where were you ? i was calling you.." lisa questioned on the call. "hey honey! i was busy. dont be mad" leny comforted her. "shut up . i am suffering because of you. just because of you now i have to share my house" lisa said angrily.   "with who? heyyy are you cheating on me?" asked leny and laughed. "very funny . nice time to make jokes. its vindy. she left her house because according to her billy is a murderer and she cant live with a criminal" lisa replied in an attitude. " well thats a good belief!"leny chuckled. "okay bye! i should go. she is sitting outside"lisa greated and hung the call.

      "i am back" lisa said coming out of her room. "how was he? i mean with all his brother's recent incident?" questioned vindy. "ohhh he is miserable. he can barely talk. he is not over that yet" mentioned lisa. "yeah i can understand. give my condolences to him" vindy replied. lisa nodded. " so you told him about .....um billy and everything?" vindy questioned in curiosity. "No , not at all. dont worry i am not going to tell him untill we will get some real evidence." lisa mentioned. "thats a relief." vindy said and passed a smile.

         billy was in the kitchen. someone knocked the door. "who is this?"asked billy. "i am here for the investigation for the case of Mr Adam lodge." marry replied loudly. billy started sweating with fear. he took small steps towards the door. he opened the door slowly. "hello! how can i help you?" questioned billy. " i just want some answers, i hope you will cooperate with me." marry mentioned politely. "sure. come in." billy welcomed her. "nice house!.." marry appreciated. "well thats all on my wife. she decorated each and every corner." billy said. "ehmm. thats lovely. so, where were you the night on 7 november?" marry investigated. "i was at the bar celebrating adam's birthday." billy informed. "where were you then , when he got murdered?" marry asked. "i left the bar after having some drinks. he was waiting for the uber " billy told her. " what was the time you left?" marry questioned. billy took a breath. "umm..around 10 " billy said. "really? but your wife told us you were not home all night" marry said. billy got scared and changed the subject. "i was making coffee. you want one?" billy asked. "thats not a answer to my question" marry complained. "i was with my other friend" billy lied. "okay, may i know the name?" marry investigated. "steward. he is my old friend" billy answered. "may i have his address? i want to talk to him" marry asked. "uhhh! he is out of station" billy hesitated. "okay. tell me when he will return. well see you later" marry said goodbye and left. billy felt relieved.

       "he is hiding something. but he dont know me well. i know how to get words out of him" marry said to the officer in an attitude. Officer john passed a smile. marry's phone rang. "hello...!" marry answered the call. "we are calling from the bar. we found something. you should come and take a look" guards of the bar said from the other side of the call. marry grabbed her keys and took officer john with her.

     they reached the bar. "what was it?" questioned marry to the guards. they showed her a wallet and told her "we found this from the back room of the bar under the wine trunk. as it is a restricted area after that incident ,so no one else entered. as a conclusion definitely it fall down that night" guards said. "its a women wallet" marry said in an investigating tone. she opened it and found a membership card of Betty's outfits and some dollars. "oho! someone has a good choice of clothes. i wish they print names on the membership cards" marry mentioned. "we should go there and find out" Officer john adviced. "sometimes your brain actually works" marry chuckled. "very funny" officer john said in a harsh tone. they left for the boutique.

       lisa was comforting vindy to move on. while vindy was staring at her wedding photos. "stop seeing them. its a waste. lets go out and hang out. for some time you will distract from this nonsense" lisa adviced her. "i dont want too. you go " vindy replied. "shut up! i am not taking any excuses. hurry up and get ready" lisa ordered. "fine ediot" vindy said in an exhausted mood. while they were driving , lisa was talking continuously but vindy stayed quiet . lisa wanted to cheer her up. "speak something you dead lady" lisa said. "where are we going?"asked vindy. "i am taking you to the bar" lisa mentioned excitedly. "why are you doing this? you know i am not in a mood ...please!" vindy said sadly. "i am not asking your permission old lady" lisa chuckled. "sigh" vindy looked at her with a bad face expression. they entered the bar with full of people. "see thats why i dont want to come. i am not comfortable in this crowd" vindy mentioned. "lets go , have drinks!" lisa pulled vindy's hand.

       "how can i help you? pretty lady" bartender asked vindy. lisa saw him and asked "heyy! genius. what are you doing here?...."hello i didn't see you lisa. so this pretty lady in pink is with you? questioned bartender. "yeah and stop flirting" lisa said. "ohh please you know me. please introduce us" bartender requested. "okay she is vindy Andrews , my one and only best friend and vindy he is Michael cooper , my old college friend" lisa introduced them. "hello! nice to meet you" vindy greeted gently. "nice to meet you too. okay so drinks are on me . sit!" Michael mentioned. Michael's phone rang. "Guys it's my sister. i have to take this" Michael told them. the both girls nodded. "so how much you two are close?" vindy asked lisa. "not very much. i was his sister's friend and he used to flirt with me" lisa said and started laughing. "So they both were in your class?" asked vindy in curiosity. "yup! they are twins" lisa said. "ooh that explains alot. are you still in touch with her sister?" asked vindy. "you dont need to be jealous. now i am only your bestie. you are amazing not like her to choose her boyfriend over me" lisa told. "oops whats that story?" asked vindy. "long one. i will tell someday" lisa answered. "sorry girls! it took long. she was shouting at me because i messed up her closet" Michael chuckled. both girls passed a smile and took a shot of wine.