WebNovelcase: 1723.53%



                     "THE CONFESSION"

      it was 10 in the morning. Marry was doing her work in the office. officer john entered and said "chief Franklin is here". marry got all nervous and stood up from her chair and saluted. "greeting sir! it's always pleasure to meet you" marry greeted chief. "nice to see you again , miss marry. i am here to discuss the case of adam lodge" chief said. "i am flattered, sir" marry said. "tell me about it.." chief asked. marry told him everything she knew. "....i found the membership card in it and me and officer john visited the place. we got the name of the girl who owns this card" marry completed her story and showed the card to chief. "who is she?" questioned chief. "Veronica cooper. i did the background check. she is the daughter of retired police officer Stephen cooper and her mother died of cancer and has one twin brother Michael cooper . she is an artist and her brother is a bartender. thats all i got" marry answered. "well done. keep working" chief praised.

    it was 6 in evening. "you bought me into this hell. i told you that day. this is mess. i wish i never agree with you. we should tell everyone about this. i cant keep it anymore. it's over! i am going to investigator tomorrow and tell her each and everything" Veronica said in anger and hung the phone. her phone rang again. she picked "i said its over" said annoyingly. "wait dont hang! you will ruin everything. my plan is working fine. they dont know anything. they all think it's billy. you did your job and now leave it on me .whenever police come to you just make stories and keep them engage. they will know nothing so relax" said lisa from the other side of phone. "okay but how long?" asked veronica. "just a little time babe!" comforted lisa.

      after lisa cutted the call. she called leny. "hey! how are you? where were you from few days?" asked lisa. "i was stuck in a shit. that creepy investigator was coming each day with bundle of questions" replied leny. "oh God! why? dont tell me they are suspecting you...?" said lisa. " yeah maybe they are. in this situation everyone is a suspect" mentioned leny. "oh please....the person who cannot kill the small bug , can kill a person...?.....! lol" lisa said. "ehm...ehm" leny sighed. "i am good actor, honey" lisa laughed hard. "so what's an update?" questioned leny. "going good i think. wanna come to double date?" asked lisa. "double? what do you mean...?" leny got confused. "setting up my bestie with my crime partner. you will enjoy the company....i bet" lisa chuckled. "sounds great. i am so in" leny agreed and hung up.

        marry was doing some research about the case and found out the file about Veronica cooper. it was the college record and some photos. there were alot of pictures of her and adam. "they seems to be close. this girl has something to do with this murder. i am sure" marry said in curiosity.

   it was early in the morning. vindy was walking to grocery shop. billy saw her on the road. he ran towards her. "stop vini" shouted billy. he reached her. "go away! leave me alone" vindy said angrily. "let me explain please. i just want one opportunity to tell you everything that happened that night" billy requested. vindy sighed "fine . but i want truth". they walked to the nearby restaurant.

        "tell me ?" asked vindy. "okay! huh that night i was with adam. but after he left. i met Veronica. she was adam's college friend. she was also invited to the party. we just spent some time together untill..." billy mentioned and vindy cut his line. "what do you mean by some time?" vindy questioned. "it was just ...i dont know . in that moment,  it happened" billy hesitated. "what happened billy?" asked vindy in a harsh tone. "we kissed! but it was just one time and we never met again . she tried to call me after but i said her clearly to stop and it was a foolish mistake" billy said. "you cheated on me?!" vindy said in the sorrow full voice. "hey it was nothing but mistake so please forgive me" billy requested. "it was better before billy when i thought you as a murderer because maybe you have a reason to do that but this ...you are a cheater and you dont have any reason to do this. i hate you . but you know what ...complete your story. i want to know what the hell happened there except you cheated on me" vindy said and wiped her tears.

"please vindy .will you forgive me ? it was a past mistake. we can move on from this." billy requested again. " huh forgive..?! what will you do billy if i cheated on you . will you forgive me ? no you will not because you are a man and i am helpless woman who doesn't have any option other than to forgive. but i will not. i am not doing this. you have to pay for everything you did. so shut up this shit and tell me that story for which we are sitting here" vindy said angrily. "that's your choice now. so we were at the back room of the bar and she got a phone call then she left for the washroom. i waited for her like half an hour then i went to washroom to check on her but she was not there. i called her but it was off. then i heard screaming. i walked upstairs the bar. Veronica was standing there and i found adam's body. i was surprised because he left infront of my eyes and than he was lying there in blood pool. i wanted to wake him but it was late . the two bullets were struck in his head. but we never heard the gun shot so maybe he wasn't murdered there. someone took his body there after murder. then i got a strange phone call with some man voice and he threatened me to go away from the body and to never tell anybody about this or otherwise he will tell you about me and Veronica. i got scared and told Veronica to leave and to never speak again.i didn't want to lose you so i kept it a secret and i dont know that how he knew about me and her . then i spent my rest time on a sea side because i was too much upset . i did a horrible mistake by cheating on you and then i left my best buddy there in a miserable situation and left like a coward. when i came back home , i changed my shirt which was stained in a blood and made up mind to never talk about it to anyone . after few days i got her call , Veronica's which you listened that day and i stopped her. thats a whole story." billy sighed. vindy put her hand on her mouth and took a heavy breath. "you have done too much" vindy said. "i know i did wrong but i am going to make it right. i will go to marry tomorrow and tell her everything. from now on i will help in this case with my all strength. and i hope for your forgiveness also" billy mentioned. "your hope is unrealistic. so focus on other things. good bye and i wish to never see you again" vindy said and and left crying.