Love Came Just Right

Noah's back stiffened slightly. "What's the matter?"

"The special medicine jointly developed by the Ye Kingdom and the Li Kingdom can cure all kinds of diseases, and even has the effect of resurrecting the dead. Logically speaking, it'll benefit mankind." Claire supported the back of the chair with her hands and slowly leaned over, whispering to Noah. "Why do you want to stop it?"

Noah turned her head. Her smile was a bit false. "Sorry, I can't tell you that. Maybe not knowing is good for both you and me."


Claire wasn't disappointed not to get any useful information from her.

Noah was obviously very shrewd and very good at acting.

Therefore, Claire would only believe half of her words.

"I'm leaving now." Claire waved her hand and walked to the door of the warehouse. Then she stopped and turned around. "You don't have to be so polite to me. Just call me Claire."