Have No Sense Of Romance

At this time, Claire said, "Infact, I think that you lack something."

Derek blinked. "What is it?"

Did Claire want to give him a gift?

Oh, he was kinda looking forward to it…

Claire propped up her chin with her hand and squinted at the young man. "You lack brains."


After school

When Sheldon walked out of the school gate, the hem of his clothes was suddenly tugged twice.

He looked down and saw a skinny little girl.

She raised her small face, her eyes gleaming. She was carrying a basket of roses in her hand.

"Big Brother, Valentine's Day is coming soon. Can you buy a rose?"

Sheldon was taken aback for a moment.

His friend beside him waved his hand. "Little sister, we are all single. You should sell the roses to others."

Upon hearing this, the little girl bowed her head in disappointment and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute."