Mr. Walker, I Have A Crush On You

Sheldon fell silent.

Gallon slowly put down the teacup. "Don't worry. Your sister just hasn't got the hang of romance. In fact, this is not bad. At least no one else will compete with you for her."

Sheldon could only comfort himself in this way.


Lance Middle School

Just after school, the teaching building was quiet.

James put his jacket on his arms and locked the office door.

"Phew, Mr. Walker?"

A joking voice rang from behind.

James turned his head and looked around.

Derek was leaning against the wall of the corridor, with one hand in his pocket and his long legs folded. He was wearing a loose white T, with his coat tied around his waist. His curly hair exuded a brilliant luster in the setting sun.

His eyes were clear, but he smirked, showing his white teeth, like a little devil who knew nothing about the world. "Mr. Walker, why are you so anxious to get off work? Are you going to see your girlfriend?"