This Charity Dinner Was Not Simple

Phoebe gritted her teeth and her heart welled up with resentment.

She would not give up!

She would never let Claire touch the things that belonged to her!

There were attendants guarding the door to the banquet hall.

Hunter handed over the invitation letter, and an attendant took it with both hands. Seeing Hunter holding Claire in his arms, he thought that she was Hunter's female companion.

At this time, Gallon walked over slowly.

The attendant glanced behind him and gave a polite smile. "Do you have a female companion?"

Gallon pointed to Claire. "My female companion."

Hunter frowned and immediately put his palm on Claire's head, like a lion protecting its prey.

His eyes were full of vigilance and possessiveness. "She's mine."

The attendant was confused.

So whose female companion was this young lady?