Just Continue To Play Cool

Claire raised her head. Her swan neck was long and slender, her small face was fair and tender and flushed with crimson.

Her long eyelashes fluttered like wings. Her eyes were clear and bright, and the corners of her cherry lips were slightly curved up.

Under the moonlight, she was like a rose with thorns, exuding a breath of fatal temptation.

Hunter didn't look at her. With a straight face, he put a pair of shoes in front of her and said coldly. "Put them on."

Claire took them, and walked to the flowerbed in the distance to sit down and change shoes.

"Miss Claire is really gorgeous…" Mr. Hopkins couldn't help exclaiming.

Suddenly, Hunter clutched his heart and fell on the seat.

Mr. Hopkins was horrified. "Mr. Johnson, what's the matter with you!"

Hunter frowned, his expression extremely painful. "Heart… my heart…"

"What's wrong with you? Are you having a heart attack?!"