Mr. Johnson's Condition Is Not So Good

She was angry and anxious, but couldn't do anything about it.

Phoebe glared at Claire, then looked at Amber.

At this moment, Amber's head was lowered, while her nails were clasping the corner of the desk in a hard grip.

After school, Claire pulled out the schoolbag from the drawer and walked away leisurely.

A group of students was pointing at her behind her back.

"She left just like that?"

"I saw that the participants of other classes all hurried to the school's singing room to practice singing, but she doesn't seem to care about this matter at all."

"She doesn't care about this contest because she doesn't care about class honors."

"Maybe her voice sucks, so she isn't bothering to practice."

"Little Overlord said that she sang well. Bullshit, I don't think she can even memorize the lyrics."

Leaving the teaching building, Phoebe caught up with Amber.

"Amber, let's walk together."