I Don't Raise Junk!

In a bad mood, Claire said coldly,. "What do you mean?"

Mr. Hopkins was very anxious. "In the morning, you asked Mr. Johnson to sit outside the door, and he sat outside for a whole day and refused to leave. If anyone tried to approach him, he would bite him. He's still waiting for you to come back!"

Claire rubbed her glabella. "I'll be right there."

She rushed to the Johnsons' villa.

Sure enough, Hunter was still sitting on the steps outside the door with the same posture as the morning. At this time, with his head drooping, he really looked like a big dog indeed.

Claire walked over with a hand in her pocket and looked at him. "Hey."

When he raised his head, his eyes lit up. He immediately jumped up and pounced on Claire.

"Claire, why did you come back so late?!" He buried his head in Claire's neck, rubbing and sniffing. "Claire, you have the smell of other men!"

Feeling itchy, Claire dragged Hunter into the house.