Who Is Sister Ikkyu?

They all sat on the cement pipe.

Jacob opened a pack of peanuts and threw a can of beer to Claire. "Hey Girl, if you can't drink, just take one or two sips. We won't force you."

Claire took it, opened the pull ring with one hand, and poured the beer into her mouth without a word.

Seeing this, Jacob was dumbfounded.

Did he see it wrong?

Not to be outdone, he poured beer into his mouth too.

Kenny was fiddling with the computer.

Jacob patted him on the shoulder. "What are you doing? Let's drink!"

Kenny pointed to the computer. "I just got an order? Who will go?"

"Is the prey a male or female?"


"Haha!" Jacob waved his hand. "Since it's a male, let Sister Ikkyu do it. She's a true professional."

Claire threw a peanut into her mouth. "Who is Sister Ikkyu? Do you assign tasks based on sex?"