Join The Go Club

Noah said on the phone, "I need you to approach someone."

"Who?" Claire plucked a vine leaf and played with it in her hand.

"Angus Garcia, the current head of the Garcias. A tube of antibody vaccine is going to be transported from the Li Kingdom. He is involved in this matter. We have to intercept this tube of the vaccine. I will send you his details."


Immediately after she hung up the phone, a message popped up on her phone.

It was a file sent by Noah.

Claire clicked on the file. It contained Angus's detailed information. The man in the photo was handsome. Being able to become the head of the Garcias at such a young age, this man should be quite capable.

Claire glanced quickly and noticed the last line of text.

He loved Go and was the disciple of the chairman of Autumn Go Club, John Franklin.