Do You Really Remember Nothing?

She tilted her head, staring at the moonlight outside the window. She put the knife on her chest, and slowly curled up.

Is Mom alright?

She was sleepless all night.

Early in the morning, the door was opened and a woman walked in.

She wore a neat suit, her long hair was pulled into a bun behind her head, and a gun and a walkie-talkie were hanging at her waist. There was something cold and sassy about her.

Claire's pupils shrank and she suddenly grabbed the knife beside the pillow. "It's you?!"

It was this woman who took her away from home.

"What is your purpose for bringing me here?" Claire asked coldly.

The woman looked at her suspiciously. "Do you really remember nothing?"

Claire narrowed her vigilant eyes. "What should I remember?"

The woman fell silent.

After a while, she lowered her head and said, "My name is Noah Baker. From today, I will be your personal bodyguard and take care of your daily life."