I Can Give You Freedom

"What are you doing?!" Claire tried to pull her ankle back but accidentally pulled her wound, and gasped in pain.

"Don't move." Spark pressed her foot gently as if he was afraid of hurting her. "I heard from Noah that you sprained your foot but refused to see a doctor."

Claire didn't say a word.

Spark let go of her ankle and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out, he had a pot of hot water in his hand.

He put the hot water on the floor next to the bed. He picked Claire from the bed, and knelt on one knee. Holding Claire's foot, he slowly immersed it in hot water.

"Don't get hurt again." The man held up the hot water with his palm and poured it on Claire's ankle. His actions were so careful as if he was treating a treasure.

When the water cooled down, Spark picked up the towel next to him, he gently dried Claire's foot. He wrapped a bandage around her ankle, and then tucked her feet into the bed.