He Is A Beast

The man was ragged and scarred, and his body was trembling with fear.

Spark played with the gun in his hand. "How dare you try and escape under my nose? How do you want to die?"

The man suddenly raised his head, glared at him with resentful eyes, and roared. "God is watching you! Killing so many people, aren't you afraid of retribution?! Aren't you scared that their ghosts will drag you to hell?!"

Spark slowly got up and squatted in front of the man. He raised his chin with a gun, and a ferocious crimson gleam flickered in his eyes. "I never believe in retribution. In the East Continent, I am the god! I am the devil! I will kill anyone who stands in my way, no matter whether they are people or ghosts!"

Then he pointed the gun at the man's head and pulled the trigger.

With a bang, the blood splattered all over.

Seeing the man fall, he didn't even blink his eyes and said lightly, "Drag him out and feed the dog."