Play A Round Of Game

Derek pushed open the door of a room inside the KTV.

Inside, the lights flickered, and there were girls and boys sitting on the sofa.

They looked up at the girl beside Derek at the same time.

The girl was wearing a black hoodie with the hat on, almost covering her little face. Behind her scattered bangs, her eyes were deep and dark like a pool of stagnant water. She carried a school bag on her shoulder and there was something proud and aloof about her.

Someone whistled. "Woohoo! What a pretty girl!"

The person next to him patted him and lowered his voice. "She is Claire."

The man's face became stiff. "Damn!"

The name Claire was known to everyone in Lance Middle School. There were many strange rumors about her, and they didn't know if they were true or false.

The boys were sizing up the girl.

They were full of curiosity about this girl.

Standing at the door, Claire keenly caught a familiar figure.