Double Kill

Claire was using Derek's account.

The game started and the five of them jumped off the plane and landed in a small town.

Joe stared at the phone and said, "Claire, find a place to hide. Otherwise, you'll be killed in a minute."

Claire didn't say a word and took the lead to rush into the house to pick up equipment.

They emptied the house soon.

"Don't move. Someone is coming."

Claire suddenly said, her voice emotionless.

Everyone froze.

Joe asked. "How do you know someone is coming?"

Claire said calmly, "I heard footsteps."

The others looked at each other and looked bewildered.

Why didn't they hear anything?

"Find a place to hide, Chuck." Claire glanced at the boy next to her. "Go to the window of the fifth floor of the second building."

For some reason, Chuck trusted the girl, so he obediently ran to the place she mentioned.

"Then what?"


Chuck jumped out of the window.