Don't Call Her Sister-In-Law Anymore

After school, when Claire appeared, many people looked at her, gathered around her, and tried to talk to her.

The coldness and alienation that seeped from her bones made others dare not approach her, so they could only cast curious and admiring gazes at her.

When she walked out of the school gate, a figure stood in her way.

Claire raised her eyes slightly.

It was Zack.

He stared at Claire fiercely, his eyes full of hatred. "Hey! I have something to tell you!"

Claire raised her brows slightly, her voice flat. "Yes?"

"You can't beat me!" Zack said firmly.

Claire shrugged and said a bit contemptuously, "But I have already beaten you."

Zack turned blue with anger, pointing to Claire and yelling. "You cheated with a plug-in, didn't you? Otherwise, how could you rookies beat us? We're professional players!"

Claire leaned against the wall behind her and looked at Zack, her eyes filled with chills. "Do you have any evidence?"