What Shit Dreams

Derek was indignant and shouted at the man's receding back. "Hunter, you will regret it!"

Hunter hurried back to the study. His composure was gradually burned with anger. He grabbed the metal ornament next to him and slammed it on the ground.


He could never do those silly things!

To prepare for the second match, Joe and the others didn't dare to relax and followed Claire to practice after school every day.

Phoebe and Becky walked behind and happened to see this scene.

Thinking of the game a few days ago, Becky turned red in anger.

"Phoebe, you're right. She must have defeated my brother by playing dirty!"

Phoebe nodded in agreement. "Maybe, she really cheated with a plug-in!"

"What should I do then?" Becky looked at Phoebe with a look for help. "If they beat my brother by abnormal means again, my brother will definitely collapse!"

Phoebe evoked a sly smile. "I have a way. Do you want to listen?"