Result Of The Second Match

The second match was still held in the gymnasium.

The outside was full of people, who were already betting on who would win.

Unlike last time, RAW had a lot of fans this time. Led by the head of the fan group, Dora, they were holding banners at the scene to show their support for RAW.

In the arena, Chuck kept looking at his watch.

"The game is about to begin. Why hasn't Joe arrived yet?"

"Is there a traffic jam?"

GIO still consisted of the same five people as before. They looked at Claire with resentment, vowing to win back the face they lost last time.

Zack said provocatively, "The time is up. What are you still waiting for? Are you going to give up?"

"Wait a minute, Joe hasn't come over yet. He doesn't answer the phone. I'll go to his home to check out." Chuck said, about to go out.