There's Trouble

Becky was in a very good mood. "School is over. Let's go. I will treat you to milk tea."

Phoebe hesitated and said, "I have to be on duty today. You go back first."

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Becky carried her school bag and left happily.

When Becky walked out of the campus, Joe suddenly stood in her way, followed by several other boys.

She subconsciously took two steps back, a little panicked. "You… what do you want to do!"

Joe stared at her gloomily and asked. "Becky! You slandered me in front of my mother and destroyed our computer equipment, right?!"

"I… I just hope you don't fool around with that Claire anymore!" Becky stammered.

Joe couldn't help but sneer. "You did this because you were afraid that your brother would lose, right?!"

Becky's eyes widened, and she was speechless.