The Diamond Was Stolen

"She actually said that she had been there. What a joke!"

There was shrill ridicule from all around.

"Bullshit, how could you say such a stupid thing?" Joe's mother snorted coldly and said arrogantly, "If you are willing to apologize, I can forgive you."

Claire gave a lazy smile and her voice was a bit unruly. "I said nothing wrong. Why should I apologize?"

Finally unable to bear it, Ada stood up and scolded her angrily. "Claire! I know that you know nothing about diamonds. Come on, apologize to Mrs. Haber!"

Claire ignored her, took out her cell phone from her pocket, and dialed a number.

No one knew what she was doing, only to see that she walked to the corner and said something. Then, she walked towards the glass cabinet, and raised her cell phone towards everyone.

"This is a 3D dynamic picture of that Cullinan Diamond. You can compare it yourself."

Upon hearing this, everyone gathered around.