Surveillance Camera Damaged

Claire turned her eyes, her sharp gaze sweeping everyone past, and her voice was flat and cold. "Who is in charge of the donated goods?"

The dean of students came out, saying tremblingly. "It's me…"

Joe's mother suddenly rushed up, grabbed the dean by the collar, and screamed like a shrew. "Where is my diamond? Where did you hide my diamond?! Hand it over right away!"

The dean was terrified. "I… I really didn't steal the diamond…"

"Quiet!" Claire frowned impatiently and asked the dean of students. "Where were the donations kept?"

The dean replied. "My office."

"Get the surveillance video."

"OK." The dean responded and turned to leave.

Claire looked at him coldly. "If you want to prove your innocence, you'd better not move."

"Huh?" The dean didn't understand what she meant.

Claire looked at the principal and said in a slightly commanding tone, "Call the surveillance room."

"Oh, OK!" The principal nodded.