Chapter 268: Is it possible to have children at the age of four or five?

Jun Siche leaned against the chair and slowly raised his head. He looked at the doctor with his dark eyes, there was a dangerous aura in his eyes. “Are you kidding me? I’m only four or five years older than her. Is it possible for me to have children at the age of four or five?”

The doctor trembled. “It’s indeed impossible... but I’ve already done three Tests, and the results show that the two of you are father and daughter.”

Xia beiqing laughed dryly and took the paternity test from Yun CI’s hands. He stuffed it into the doctor’s hands. “The equipment here must be broken. There’s such a small age difference between the two of them. How can they be father and daughter?”

The Doctor was confused. He could not understand either. “It’s probably broken.”

Jun Donuan came out of the operating theater and was sent into the ward. Nangong Mu quickly followed after her.