Chapter 269: You and uncle Gu are not compatible

“What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”Gu Jingwen asked.

“No, it’s Jun Duonuan. She got into a car accident. It’s nothing serious.”

“TSK!”Gu Jingwen sighed. “Don’t kids have eyes when they walk these days?”

Yun Ci didn’t say anything more.

After hanging up the phone, Jun Duonuan stared at her and asked, “Is it uncle Gu?”

“Yes.”Yun Ci lowered his head and fiddled with his phone.

Jun duonuan pouted and said unhappily, “Why do you keep hanging out with uncle Gu? Do you like uncle Gu very much?”

Yun Ci’s fingers on the screen paused. He raised his head, his eyes filled with confusion. “Why do you ask?”

Jun Duonuan bit her lips. “Yes... I just think that you and uncle Gu are not suitable for each other. You mustn’t like him. I think that you and Jun Siche are a perfect match!”

Yun Ci threw her a cold look. “Don’t meddle in other people’s business.”

Jun duonuan muttered softly, “This isn’t meddling in other people’s business...”