I Transmigrated. I Am Adam but There’s No Eve?

More than a hundred spaceships had come from Earth, and 80% had their screens trained on the Hilton Hotel.

There was nothing more exciting than this.

Shawn had no idea that the entire world was watching him while he slept.

If Shawn was a broadcaster, he would have been considered a super streamer. Billions of people were watching him now.

No matter if they were the elites of the upper class or the people of the lower ranks, as long as they were not busy, they were observing Shawn.

Suddenly, the alarm clock beside Shawn's head rang.

'Oh my God, he's about to wake up."

"This guy's muscles are bulging."

"I think you're not just envying his muscles."

"Bro, get up. It's time for breakfast."

"Bro, it's time to go number two,"

"Handsome, you're naked."

"You're a woman. You have the nerve to look at him?"

"Why can't I? This is the last man on Earth… If I were still on Earth, I'd gladly be his Eve."

"Unfortunately, this man is destined to spend the rest of his life alone."

"He's going to be single for the rest of his life. What a shame, what a shame…"

As Shawn woke up, he attracted the attention of all the Earthlings on the spaceship.

Many of the women on the battleship cried out in surprise. "Oh my God, I don't want to look anymore. I can't look anymore. It's too outstanding."

"If you don't want to look, why is there a gap between your fingers? Hypocrite!"

"This is not suitable for children. Stop looking, children."

Everyone was curious. What would a man that liked to sleep naked do first after waking up?

Take a shower?

Or do some exercise?


Unhindered, granted there were no women around, human nature would certainly prevail, right?

Shawn, who was gradually waking up, didn't know anything about this.

He had been having a very long dream. The dream felt so real it was as if it had happened. He dreamt that he lived in a sci-fi world from the future...

There were two suns in the sky and the landscape was similar to that of Earth.

However, the entire planet was twice the size of Earth. All manner of primitive creatures ran amok on the planet's surface but they could put up a fight against the technology-wielding humans.

That was not the end of it. The crisis of the human race was far direr than that.

Just as the human race had settled down on the planet, another crisis suddenly fell from the sky.

A huge spaceship appeared in the blue sky. The ends of the spaceship could not be seen from one end to the other, casting a huge shadow onto the Earth.

Suddenly, in a flash of red light, the Earth split open, mountains and rivers exploded and everything was instantly turned to dust.

The humans did not stand a chance of fighting back against the sudden alien invasion.

At that critical moment, he had boarded one of the human spaceships.

The spaceship barely escaped, only to be hit by a meteorite on its way out of orbit.

He was thrown out of the spaceship.

Then, he woke up.

The blinding lights made Shawn uncomfortable. He quickly covered his eyes with his hands.

Am I dead?

Where am I?

He was confused. He had been on a spaceship.

He gradually adjusted to the surrounding lights. "Was I dreaming?"

He looked out of the window. The environment outside was extremely strange.

At the same time, a complicated thought filled his mind.

He knew this place was called Earth. The new owner of this body had also been known as Shawn but he was a stock market expert that specializes in speculation.

It finally dawned on him what had happened.

"I transmigrated…"

Shawn was a little stunned.

Shawn did not bother to put on clothes. He quickly went to the window.

What he did not know, like an animal, he was being watched by the people of Earth, and Earth was now his stage.

"Big Brother, what's going on?"

"Shouldn't he be lazing about first?"

"Why did he get up and go to the window? Isn't he scared of flashing someone?"

"Tsk, with such a huge weapon and in a room so high up the hotel, what's there to be afraid of?"

"Come on, don't tell me that rich people don't know shame? That's a big French window."

"I don't know. What will he think when he sees the empty streets outside?"

"The thoughts of the rich people are different from ours. Don't worry about it."

Shawn, looking at the empty courtyard of the hotel, was left stunned.

He began rummaging through the cabinets but could not find any suitable clothes. He could not find even a single piece of cloth.

The owner of the Hilton Hotel had been a stingy person. When he was about to board the spaceship, other than the things that could not be moved, he had taken everything with him. There was practically nothing left.

He went to the window and pulled down a huge curtain to cover up his body.

Many Earthlings were disheartened by this. "Such a perfect body, why are you covering it up?"

Most of the people who said this were female.

He gingerly opened the door and looked up and down the empty corridor.

"Is anyone there?"

He shouted three times but there was no reply.

The silence was a little eerie.

Hawaii was a tourist destination, shouldn't it be filled with rich people from all over the world, staying the night?

The hotel's electrical power had not been completely cut off.

The elevator was still functional. He took the elevator and left the hotel, walking out onto the streets.

All kinds of luxury cars lined the side of the road.

Usually, at this time, the streets would be crowded with beautiful cars and beautiful women. Many people would be busy taking photos.

A gentle breeze tickled his face and the leaves on the coconut trees swayed lightly.

There was no sound of whistling, nor a peep of a crowd. There were only the sounds of the waves hitting the sand in the distance.

It was terrifyingly quiet.

"Big Brother, Big Brother, you are the owner of the planet now. All of Earth is yours now. You're the richest person on the planet."

"How can you say such a thing? Aren't you from Country M and care about human rights all at? Maybe you should go and save Big Brother."

"Have you thought that maybe Big Brother didn't want to leave? A person owning a planet, how rich is that?"

The discussion on the spaceship's internet continued on and on.

There was no one on the beach either.

The golden sands along the beach were as smooth as flour. In the past, this was a place where handsome men and beautiful women could have been seen sunbathing, clothed, or otherwise.

He picked up a cell phone off the road. It still had power but there was no signal.

Shawn was a little confused. What was going on with the world?

"Where is everyone?"

"Were they kidnapped by aliens?"

"Brother, where are we? Don't bother searching for us. The distance between us is measured in light-years now."

People from every nation sympathized with him as they watched him.

They waited until night fell.

A sudden sound startled Shawn.

He quickly ran to the large building behind him.

On top of the building, large electronic screens were playing a video of spaceships the size of continents.

Each spaceship was thousands of meters high, maybe even ten thousand meters high. The endpoints of the spaceship could not be seen.

He saw long lines of people boarding the ships one by one.

Through the large screen, he heard the sound of the ship's engine.

At this moment, a video commentary started.

"The solar storm will hit Earth in about a year."

"The migration plan for the entire human race will be carried out ahead of schedule."

The video on the big electronic screen switched between the different countries.

The air of every country was tense, all moving to a tight beat

Finally, the view changed. It was an image of the huge spaceship overlooking the entire Earth. The continent was slowly shrinking from view, the mountains and the rivers slowly looking more and more like ants.

"Goodbye, Earth. We are heading for your twin planet. Will there be a home for humanity there?"

The big screen kept flashing and replaying the clips over and over.

Shawn was a little confused.

"Global migration? To Kelper 452B?"

"Twin planet?"

"Am I the only human being left?"

"Was I left behind?"