A Year From Now, Earth Will Be Wiped Out. Survival System Activated!

"Did he just shut down?"

"No, he didn't. The owner of the planet is planning his beautiful future. He's deep in thought."

"The authorities have just released the name of the owner of the planet. They say that this person's name is Shawn and that he belongs to the M Nation."

"M Nation, who cares so much about human rights, left their people on Earth… This will be a great show of love."

"Don't joke around. Hundreds of battleships, with more than 100 billion each, all carefully tailored for space travel."

"Do you really want to turn back for just one person? Do you know what the price of that would be?"

"Do you think M Nation truly believes in human rights? It's all just a gimmick. They just want to use it to conquer and control the public opinion of all the countries…"

"When it comes down to it, now there is only one person, if there had been 10 people or even 100 million people left on Earth, there would be no way of rescuing them."

"Not necessarily. After all, the M Nation values it's reputation above all else. If this matter isn't handled properly, that would tarnish their reputation in the public opinion's eyes."

"I heard rumors that the M Nation is coordinating with the Allies to form a rescue formation."

"Do you think that's sensible? Risking 100 million people for just one person?"

All the countries were looking at M Nation like they were a joke.

The comments section was in an uproar. Every minute, every second, hundreds of millions of people were firing away.

Some merchants saw an opportunity and bought some advertising spaces.

"Damn, did you see that? The people of M Nation are all leeches. They are doing advertisements at a time like this."

"I want to send Big Brother a woman."

"Who do you think you are? The God of Creation?"

"Who knows, maybe the solar storm won't happen. We could have been tricked by the scientists and now Big Brother is left to enjoy all of the planet's riches. Just thinking about it makes me envious."

"Envious? Why didn't you stay back and accompany Big Brother then?"

"Oh Brother, I want to be your Eve."

"The world is so big. Who knows, maybe there might be an Eve left for this Big Brother? He might not be the only one who was left behind."

"That is highly unlikely but the world itself is huge. It would be impossible for him to meet another person, a woman nonetheless."


Shawn's eyes did not flinch as he watched the news that was playing on the large electronic screens on the building.

He couldn't believe it. Walking down the street, he saw slightly different videos playing on all the buildings.

They all carried the same message though, news of the global human migration.

A mass-scale migration to another Earth-like planet.

Kepler 452B, 600 light-years away from Earth, could be reached in just a year with our current knowledge of space-fold travel.

The winds blew up a piece of paper littering the floor.

The paper was a banknote.

Shawn had no desire to pick it up. It was now no different from picking up waste paper.

The entire human race had left.

His mouth was dry.

His heart would not stop pounding.

"I've transmigrated. The highlight of my life had finally arrived."

"I am to live as Adam without an Eve?"

He was helpless. He wandered the empty streets.

He shouted, "I would even settle for an old lady."


All the humans on the spaceship burst into laughter. "This brother wants an old lady!"

"He has big dreams. He wants to revive all of humankind all by himself."

In the end, Shawn gave up on the curtain.

"Hahahahaha! I am going to die laughing. This Big Brother wants to live the life of a caveman."

"Ah, Little Brother, you're all laid bare. Wait for me to return to Earth and we shall make babies together."

"Stop it. You're not even suitable to be a cavewoman. There are so many others who would love the same chance."

The comments from the female netizens exploded upon seeing the naked man on Earth.

Shawn had a forlorn expression on his face. There was not a single shadow of a person in the mall, at the park, or even the roadside.

"Is anyone there?"

He kept shouting till his voice turned hoarse.

The only response he received was an empty echo.

"Is anyone there?"

"Is anyone there?"

"Is anyone there?"

[Ding, the last man on Earth. The system is about to start.]


Suddenly, a voice rang out in his mind.

"I have a system, as expected, this is standard for all transmigrators."

So what if there was no one around?

As a transmigrator, he instantly becomes the main character of the world.

So what if he had been abandoned by the entire human race? With a system, he had the ability to rise above it all.

However, who was going to watch him rise?

Wasn't the system used for showing off?

Who was he going to show off to if there was no one around to see him?

[Ding! The survival system had been successfully activated!!!]

The system's voice rang out in his mind again.

"Survival system? What do you mean? Am I in some kind of danger?"

"The Earth is mine now. I'm the owner of this planet. What should I be afraid of?"

Shawn's thoughts were in disarray.

Soon, the system gave him an answer.

[Ding! In a year, a solar storm will happen and affect nine planets in this solar system. The first planet to be destroyed will be Earth.]



Shawn pointed to the sky and cursed for ten minutes straight. He walked into a supermarket, picked out a bottle of Red Bull, and gulped it down.

His heart was frozen.

"F*ck, a solar storm? That's a star! Earth wouldn't stand a chance."

"Does the system really exist?"

"A solar storm?"

"Lord of Planet Earth, you have officially lost your mind. You're raising your voice and cursing at the Heavens."

"My English isn't that good. I didn't expect foreigners to be able to curse so creatively."

"It doesn't seem like such a good idea to rush into a supermarket and take whatever you want without getting approval from someone or paying for it."

"Alright, alright, stop pretending. He's the owner of the planet now, the Earth belongs to him. Why are you putting up such pretenses?"

"Little Brother, are you lonely? I'll go back to Earth and have your babies."

"King of the Planet, will you enjoy your last moments on Earth? After all, all of humanity may have left the Earth but they have left all their facilities and tools behind. He can live a life that would make anyone envious."

"Bullsh*t. So what if he lives a life of luxury? Everything will turn to dust after a year."

"If the men of the Rainbow Nation were to encounter such a situation, I am sure some would have chosen to die in honor of their country."

"Bullsh*t. If the men of that nation landed in such a situation, I'm sure they wouldn't even let go of a female donkey."

"These men only think with their *sses… The King of the Planet is the most handsome."

"Hasn't anyone thought that the M Nation would take the initiative to rescue this man?"

"Save my *ss. Ask the Alliance if they are interested in saving anyone"

Because of Shawn's existence, all kinds of rumors and gossip spread across the internet between the spaceships.

The higher-ups of all the countries were in an uproar.

This involved more than just one person. If a single battleship was used for the rescue mission, hundreds of millions of lives would be put in danger.

However, Shawn did not know that he was being watched by the entire world.

His only hope now was the system.

He busied himself with reading the information from the system.

A solar storm would erupt in about a year. The resulting solar wind would engulf the entirety of the nearest planet to it, Mercury.

The Earth would also be affected. The surface temperature of the planet would reach 200 degrees Celsius.

Forget the humans, the water in the oceans would turn to boil in an instant.

The simple storm meant nothing in the history of the universe but to all life on Earth, it would undoubtedly wipe out 99% of all sentient beings.

A second solar storm would come and that would make it impossible to achieve hyperspeed.

In other words, half of humanity would have been wiped out even before ever reaching Kepler.

The scientists had made the right choice. If they had chosen to migrate to Mars, it would have meant the certain doom of humanity.

Even if they had not chosen Kepler, over 90% of humanity would have died.

At that moment, the system finally finished uploading.

A bright status bar popped up.

[The system has finished loading. The host will be rewarded with a welcome gift pack.]

It was a lucky draw gift pack.

Shawn smiled bitterly. "This system was not designed by a monkey, was it?"

[Lucky draw.]

In the virtual panel, a wheel of fortune spun round and round, on it all sorts of possible prizes.

Finally, it landed on one. Super-Learning Ability.

Shawn smiled bitterly. "Super-learning ability? Even though I am now the God of Learning, can I change the fate of Earth and all mankind?"

"You really live to learn."

Shawn was a little disappointed.

The solar storm was a sign of the end of the life of the Sun. The power it was about to produce was far beyond any human imagination.

It even warped the laws that governed the knowledge of physics and space. Otherwise, humans, who had mastered the space-folding technology, should have been able to escape despite the incoming solar storm.

However, the system had clearly told him that when the solar storm came, the space warping and all the super spaceships would all be trash. Humans would still die 90% of the time, even if they reached Kepler 452B.

Shawn knew how terrifying the creatures that roamed Kepler 452B were.

Humans would be defeated but a good portion of the species would be decimated.

Just as Shawn was lost in despair, the system issued a mission. He squinted his eyes.

[Main Mission: Save the entire human race from the solar storm, three months from now.]

The words were simple but the truth sank into Shawn's pounding heart.

As we speak, the human super spaceships should already be very far away from Earth.

However, the system still issued such a mission though. 'Save the entire human race from the solar storm.'

"Is the system trying to tell me to bring the Earth to the humans in order to save them?"