How is He Such an Expert?


This range was too wide.

Rockets had propellers.

Missiles had propellers.

Even spaceships had propellers.

Following Li Qiang's words, the huge, electronic mechanical drawing appeared on the display in front of everyone.

The person in the scene was not a known figure in the scientific world.

All the top engineers in the United States were in the command room.

Everyone widened their eyes and fell silent for a few seconds.

An old professor said, "Young man, do you think that those messy lines and the drawing of those tens of thousands of parts are actually propellers?"

His words made an American professor burst into laughter.

"Young man, go back and study hard. How can these be propellers?"

"The people of Great Xia are really stupid. They actually believe that these messy drawings are propellers."

"Yes, it's a propeller. It's indeed a propeller but that has to be an imaginary rocket."

"Look at the size of that propeller. No rocket can be that big."

"Hahaha, why would China let such a young child do scientific research?"

"Is there no one else in China?"

On the electronic screen, Li Qiang's face turned red upon hearing the discussion of the American professors in front of him.

All the people in the world were united now.

This was the only way that they could tackle the future of all mankind. China was the only country that did not have any selfish motives when it came to the future of all mankind.

The United States had always been the world's leader in science and technology.

He had been instructed by his superiors to personally report to the commander-in-chief. He had only wanted to share his knowledge.

However, he was mercilessly ridiculed.

Even General Newt was smiling.

On the other spaceship, Li Qiang glanced at the large electronic screen beside him. As he watched Shawn busy himself with the drawing, he thought to himself, 'Is there no one intelligent in America? I won't be insulted by a bunch of incompetent people.'

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said, "I did a simple calculation. This is indeed a huge unknown propeller."

His words caused General Newt to slowly lose his smile.

He slowly raised his hand and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"Right, right. Everyone, stop laughing. We have to give some face to China's future technological genius."

General Newt looked at the person who spoke and said, "Do you think this is funny?"

"Do you understand your position? Who are you laughing at?" General Newt said.

Everyone was shocked.

Yeah? Who were they laughing at?

Shawn was from their country? Were they laughing at Shawn?

It didn't matter if Shawn was drawing the blueprint of an imaginary rocket, Shawn was a true chemical genius.

A group of top American scientists and technology experts were laughing at a citizen of their own country. If this news were to spread, it would become a controversial topic.

Moreover, they were laughing at a citizen of their own country in front of a young Chinese scientist. This was very inappropriate.

The laughter in the command room suddenly died.

On the other end of the electronic screen, Li Qiang also calmed down and said, "Everyone, this really is a propeller. I did a simple check. If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself."

"Are you still making a fool of yourselves? Hurry up and check."

General Newt said angrily.

The scientists got busy.

"Look at the blueprint next to Mr. Shawn's desk. The scale of the drawing is only in millimetres but is there such a component on propellers? I think this is something that Mr. Shawn had come up with on his own."

"That's not right. I looked into the system of a rocket. Look at his blueprint. The port is facing up. It's completely opposite to our rocket."

After studying it for a long time, everyone was still confused.

"Look! " a scientist suddenly exclaimed, "There are several formulas on the blueprint."

"F*ck, if you didn't say it, I wouldn't have noticed it. Why is there Planck's constant formula next to it? Is this a propeller? This has to be a nuclear weapon, right?"

"Nuclear weapon? Do you really think Mr. Shawn is a God? The only man on Earth is working on a nuclear bomb alone?"

"Brother, this can't be a rocket at all. Look at the scale of the blueprint. It's hundreds of thousands of meters long. Why would there be any need for such a large propeller?"

"Such a large propeller can even propel one of our spaceships."

"This is impossible?"

The research team had a headache.

However, they had no choice but to carefully study the drawing under General Newt's orders.

The research pace picked up speed.

The research team, who had originally not taken the job seriously, slowly became more focused.

However, the more they studied the blueprint, the more confused they became.

"This is impossible! He is just one person! How could he design such a thing? What is this thing?"

Everyone felt like their heads were about to explode.

They were professional people. Studying the drawings seriously, they would notice anything amiss at first. Then, they would cry out in surprise.

The drawing contained a lot of mechanical knowledge and theorems.

Even if Shawn's blueprint was not a propeller, this blueprint alone was enough to instantly overload the minds of many researchers present.

Professor Ron also joined in.

Ron frowned and said, "If this is really a special propeller..."

He widened his eyes.

Everyone looked at him.

"That can only mean one thing."

Everyone was rasp at attention.

"This Mr. Shawn alone is worth hundreds of scientific research teams."

Inside the command ship, it was silent that one could hear a pin drop.

Ron's words carried with it a shockingly heavy sentiment, making it difficult for any scientific researcher to breathe.

One person is worth a scientific research team of hundreds of people, what did that mean?

"Yes, your country's Mr. Shawn is a great talent. He is now my new idol."

At this moment, Li Qiang cried out excitedly on the big screen.

Everyone looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

On this day, they had been silenced too many times.

Ron frowned and said, "General Newt, we're now looking through the civilian channel. The resolution isn't high enough."

"I suggest using the encrypted channel to record Mr. Shawn's research."

General Newt nodded.

After some fiddling from the operator, high-definition blueprints appeared on the large screen of the command ship.

"It's so clear. We're now hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Earth. I didn't expect the communication satellite of the Great United States to be so powerful."

Upon seeing the blueprint, those who were familiar with blackboards got busy with scribbling.

Those who used machines typed away at their stations. For a moment, the command ship was immersed in the sound of formulas being written and the faint rumbling of machines.

Not long after, they encountered another problem.

There was simply too much going on in the design of the blueprint.

General Newt was in one room containing more than a dozen chemists, physicists, mechanical experts, and astronomers.

On the big screen, Li Qiang also led his own small research team and began to carry out various calculations.

"This formula is too complicated. Not only does it involve theoretical physics but there are also complex chemical equations," Ron said with a frown.

To be able to make someone as powerful as Ron say that it was complicated, everyone was shocked.

The command room was a strange scene.

All the scientists were bustling about like busy bees. Some were using computers to perform calculations.

Some chemists were even performing experiments.

After a long period, Ron's forehead was covered in sweat as he said, "General Newt, I want to use the supercomputer on the command ship to perform calculations."