The Ball Owner Is Awesome!!!

General Newt was shocked.

He had requested to use a supercomputer to calculate.

Everyone knows that supercomputers now worked on a quantum level.

It can only be used under the premise of making a huge amount of calculations.

The American supercomputer was called the Goddess of Freedom.

Normally, only a huge amount of calculation that was beyond human comprehension would authorize the use of a quantum computer.

Super spaceships and space-folding technology had all been completed with quantum calculations.

Fortunately, they already knew the formulas and variables. The computer only needed to calculate the various possible outcomes from the combination of processes.

Only by calculating all the data in this way would they be able to understand it.

Other than the scientists who were busy calculating, the rest of the people present merely stood by as spectators.

"F*ck, particle collision? This thing is only used in developing nuclear bombs, right?"

"God, look carefully. That is no ordinary particle collision. That is a Quark-gluon Plasma collision. It is more than ten times stronger than nuclear fusion."

When Ron saw part of the results, he was so excited that he almost pulled his beard out.

"God, this kind of energy has a starting temperature of 10 billion degrees Celsius. This is even more powerful than the internal reaction inside of a star. How is this possible???"

On the big screen, the Chinese genius, Li Qiang, also said excitedly, "I told you, this is some kind of powerful propeller. You guys didn't believe me."

"Mr. Shawn… No, the Ball Owner is awesome."

"The Ball Owner is awesome."

"Really awesome."

General Newt took a look at the excited Chinese man, Li Qiang, on the big screen. He thought to himself, 'China has such talented youth. No wonder they are so powerful.'

However, when he saw the busy Shawn on the big screen, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up.

"What a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect that there would be such a talent in America."

Many scientists were watching the big screen. Shawn was drawing and doing quantum calculations at the same time.

Shawn's hand moved at lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, he had finished drawing a picture.

Ron was now using a quantum computer to check the calculations so their research speed was much faster.

Similarly, in another laboratory, Li Qiang and his scientific team were also doing a second check.

Everyone felt a little crazy.

The last man on Earth, this is so surreal.

Oh my God! A single person working on a rocket propeller?

Particle collisions?

Is this world that crazy?

Most importantly, according to their information, Shawn is only 18 years old.

What are most 18 year-olds doing?

Isn't this talent too extreme?

Any genius would surely be blown away when made to face Shawn.

This is unbelievable.

If someone told them that Shawn had only begun to conceive, touch, and learn about these various fields a few hours ago, everyone would be shocked.

This complicated and ridiculous amount of knowledge had only been gained from reading books in the last eight hours. Most people would have thought that Shawn was an alien life form that has surpassed human beings.

The only reason he looked like a human was that he was wearing a human skin suit.

What could he learn from reading books in just eight hours?

A smart person could memorize hundreds of words.

A stupid person could probably only manage a few pages.

Even if he were a monster, what can he do in eight hours? Can he memorize an entire book?

Sean had read over 2,000 books. These 2,000 books were not light reading novels but all kinds of complicated science books.

He had absorbed the contents of the books, understood them, and had used them to calculate millions of times over in his mind.

The result was that he had managed to create something in just a few short hours?

No one had been able to explain the results of those complicated chemical equations up until now?

They needed a quantum computer to complete the calculations of the blueprint and it could barely keep up.

A rocket propeller? Go to Hell.

It has long surpassed this category.

On the other end, Li Qiang's forehead was beading over with nervous sweat. This was not because he was hot but a manifestation due to excessive use of the brain.

His talent had been discovered by his country at a very young age. He was a genius and had a photographic memory. Any math problem that was placed in front of him would be instantly solved and eliminated.

If it weren't for China shielding him, he would have won many Nobel Prizes.

However, at this moment, facing Shawn's sketch and CAD composition, his entire body trembled.

It was almost as if he was worshipping them.

"God, God, can this still be considered human? It's a propeller. It is indeed a propeller but why is it so complicated? What is this?"

He was even a little nervous. His colleagues who were older than him were also a little worried.

Ron was even more so. He was a leading figure in the American scientific community. When had he ever seen such a thing?

He had even participated in the research on space folding.

But that was the result of many years of research. Hundreds of thousands of scientific teams were working together.

The laboratories in the United States and the scientific research teams in China were bustling with their research.

Suddenly, on the command ship, a scientist laughed at the sky and said, "What is this? What is this? Oh my God, is this still man? Is this still an Earthling? I don't believe it, I don't believe it."

A scientist was considered a dragon among men. When facing a difficult problem, they were considered by ordinary people to be geniuses.

Everyone was shocked and their scientific spirit was stirred.

General Newt had not expected such an outcome.

A human that had been left behind on Earth had actually made something that was almost beyond human imagination.

How could these scientists not be excited?

Li Qiang from the other laboratory was so excited that his entire body was trembling.

"Amazing, amazing, absolutely amazing."

"I originally thought that no one in this world could be smarter than me. Looks like there is someone better than me?

"Too amazing, I'm not even worth one percent of him.

"I depended on so much equipment, had my own team, but I can't even compare to the Ball Master.

"Perhaps it's not a far cry to call him the real Ball Master."

Li Qiang was acting like a mad demon, muttering to himself incessantly.

"Team leader, please drink some water."

An old professor said, somewhat worried about Li Qiang.

Li Qiang waved his hand and said, "I'm fine. It's amazing, absolutely amazing."

Seeing his deranged appearance, nobody would think he was fine.

In the end, everyone held their breaths as the results of the calculation were revealed.

Everyone stared nervously at the screen of the quantum computer.

"Mr. Ron, the results of the calculation..." General Newt whispered.

But Ron didn't respond to him at all. He was still staring nervously at the big screen. His eyeballs were about to pop out of their sockets.



"This is impossible..."

On the electronic screen in the command center, Li Qiang was dumbstruck as he muttered to himself.

Newt was so anxious. He quickly looked at Li Qiang and said, "China's genius, Mr. Li Qiang, what's going on?"

"This is indeed impossible?"

Ron suddenly said.

Newt was dumbfounded. What's going on? Can you guys talk?

"What's going on? Can somebody tell me?" General Newt asked.

Ron was shocked. "Ah!" He jumped on the spot.

Who dared to act so rudely in front of General Newt.

Ron was too shocked to care.

"General, let me explain this to you slowly. The theory involved is too shocking," Ron said.

On the big screen, Li Qiang suddenly said, "General Newt, I have to report back to my country. You guys go ahead."

"Most of the formulas involved in Mr. Shawn's drawing are based on the theory of relativity."

"This is a formula based on quark collision."

"Quarks have tens of times more energy than atomic particles."

Newt felt his mouth go dry.

"The engine is powered by this quark collision theory. This is a super high-powered engine!"

"The important point is that this thing has extremely high energy output!"

Ron excitedly picked up the results from the supercomputer and looked over them, he said with a shocked expression, "General, the calculations on this mechanical blueprint, according to the results from the quantum computer, whether it is the formula or the working principle, this is far ahead of us by decades."

"The most important thing is that this fusion reaction relies on quark collision but it has achieved balance in every aspect. Theoretically, there's no danger and..."

Newt had the urge to shake Ron. As he listened, Ron suddenly stopped.

"And what?" Newt tried to hold back his excitement.

Ron looked at the results and pointed to a point. "The diameter of this engine is not thirty meters, but thirty kilometers."

"What... What?" Newt's eyes widened and he said, "30 kilometers..."

In the laboratory, all the scientists could not believe their ears.

They had mocked the size problem before.

At this moment, Shawn seemed to remember something.

He pulled out the assembly diagram and wrote five words across it.

Planetary engine.

When they saw these words, all the scientists in the command center almost fainted.

Mankind had developed 150 super spaceships, mobilized hundreds of thousands of scientists around the world, and spent more than ten years developing these 150 super spaceships.

"Planetary engine, what the hell is that?"

"Piloting the Earth?"

"Isn't this science fiction?"

Ron and Newt looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Their mouths hung open, even the cigar in general Newt's mouth fell to the ground. He didn't even notice.

"There is such a person left behind on Earth."

"He didn't give up on himself."

"And he wasn't painting."

"Nor was he giving up his life."

"And he wasn't indulging himself."

"He's not developing a spaceship that everyone thought was impossible."

"He's building a planetary engine that can move an entire planet..."

General Newt didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Newt looked at everyone in the command room and said, "Now, do you still think it's a waste to send a rescue ship to save Mr. Shawn?"

"Do you still think it's not worth it?"