The Super Genius of Earth!

No one refuted General Newt's words.

They even thought that General Newt's argument made a lot of sense.

"This may be the greatest genius to have ever existed among all of mankind. The United States has made a huge mistake."

Professor Ron massaged his eyes and said, "Such a genius of the next century must be brought back. Even if it costs the lives of 100 million people in the United States, it is still worth it."


Ron spoke nonsense when he was excited.

His words still shocked everyone.

Was this young man so heaven-defying?

What had America done? They left such a genius back on Earth.

"General, there's a flaw in Mr. Shawn's information."


General Newt said in surprise, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with his identity?"

The blonde beauty said, "No, sir. Mr. Shawn is an orphan. His background is clean. There is nothing at all."

"The thing is… Mr. Shawn has never lost any money in the stock market for over ten years..."

Everyone: ...

General Newt stood up and said, "Why didn't you say so earlier? This is such important information."

"I'm sorry. There are people on Earth who have such capability..." the blonde beauty wanted to refute.

Newt wanted to slap his secretary. "Nonsense. Can ordinary people always win in the stock market?"

"Even I lose in the stock market..."

"Cough cough..."

General Newt covered up his embarrassment and said, "Those who stay in the stock market and can make a fortune are all true talents."

At this moment, the phone on General Newt's desk rang.

Newt looked at the people in the command room and hit the loudspeaker button.

The projected on the phone transmitted an image.

An old man projected in front of everyone.

This old man was wearing a white coat and looked dignified and noble. The messy hair on his head made him look like the world-famous scientist, Einstein.

"Newt, I want to ask your help with something, a favor."

The old man got straight to the point.

Newt was shocked and said with a smile, "Mr. Bloom, what are you talking about? Whatever it is, just ask me straightforwardly."

Everyone in the room knew that the old man standing in front of them was an extraordinary figure.

This was the former president of the United States.

The current general, Mr. Newt, had been promoted by him.

Everyone looked at the old man in awe.

"Hehe..." Bloom smiled and said, "Don't be in such a hurry to agree. You're a general. You getting more and more irritable as you get older."

"Do you know what I'm going to ask for?"

Newt said, "I only know that I must definitely follow Mr. Bloom's orders. Of course, if it's something beyond my abilities, then I can only try my best..."

"Well…" Bloom said in a surprised tone, "It's really is beyond your abilities."

Newt was shocked.

Bloom said, "I want you to go back to Earth and save that young man named Shawn."

Newt's eyes grew wide and said, "Mr. Bloom, this..."

He did not ask why.

Bloom continued, "Newt, this is the situation. After my presidency ended, I have been studying chemistry. Yesterday, a young man on Earth, Shawn, wrote out a complicated chemical equation. Does nobody understand the final product of that equation?

"I worked with a team all of last night and I found out that this young man is amazing. Is he a chemistry genius? So I want you to save Mr. Shawn. The United States can not lose such a talented individual."

"The United States can not leave such a talent back on Earth. Otherwise, it would be a great loss for humanity."


Newt's facial muscles twitched. He glanced at Ron.

Ron shook his head and did not say anything.

"Uh, Mr. Bloom, we need to carefully consider the long-term effects of this. Returning to Earth is no small project."

Newt chose his words carefully.

"What's there to hesitate about? As a general, don't you have absolute say in this matter?" Bloom asked.

General Newt rolled his eyes and said, "Sir, I'm very curious. Is Shawn really that talented in chemistry?"

"Of course. Every molecule, every minute of energy consumption, every single material, the timing of adding all the materials, everything had been controlled to a fine point..."

Bloom felt that he had said too much.

"In short, such a genius, if we don't save him, it will be a loss for the United States. If you, the general, don't agree, then I will report to the current president."

Old man Bloom was a little anxious.

After Newt some reassuring words and with a promise that Shawn would be saved, Bloom hung up the phone.

Newt looked to Ron and dozens of scientists and said, "What now? Look at what you have done. Who spread the news about Shawn to China?"

The secretary said, "General Newt, it's not just China now. I think the scientific teams of many countries have discovered that Mr. Shawn is a genius."

Newt's face turned ugly.

The United States and the Allied countries had organized a rescue mission. If there any country were to sabotage the rescue, the consequences would be unimaginable.

If the world knew about Shawn's abilities, and if each country could not acquire him, then it was very likely that they would use all kinds of methods to destroy Shawn in the future.

In the office, everyone was silent.

Newt said coldly, "Today, I will say something. Nobody is allowed to say anything outside the confines of this room. Otherwise, I will make them disappear."

"Also, we will only be cooperating with a select few countries on this. This is a matter of absolute secrecy."

Upon hearing Newt's orders, everyone understood the importance of this matter.

The Man on Earth had been able to design a planetary engine all on his own. This person was a monster.

An absolute genius of a madman.

Ron said, "Even if it takes a sacrifice of 100 million lives, we have to save Shawn."

"How did we leave this monster back on Earth?"

"Also, fire all the officials who worked on the American immigrant. It's because of these bastards that America almost lost a super genius."

His subordinates went to work.

Newt looked at Shawn, who was still busy studying the big screen.

"Mr. Shawn, you really surprise me time and time again."

"A planetary engine. Something that only appears in fantasy novels but you actually come up with an accurate blueprint."

The power of humans came from imagination.

Many things that had seemed impossible before were all now a reality.

There had been people who studied planetary engines.

Some of them had been stuck on the problem of fuel.

Some were frustrated over the infrastructure of the engine.

Moreover, the funding for this research was astronomical. No country could have supported it independently.

To build such a thing, even if it proved successful, would require the consent of more than a hundred countries from all around the world to use it.

And now, Shawn had actually managed to draw the blueprint of the planetary engine on his own.

This was definitely the biggest scientific achievement of the century, surpassing the spaceships equipped with space-folding technology.

Shawn did not have the fuel but the United States did.

If the entire human race migrated to Kepler, who knew what kind of problems they would face.

A person like Shawn would be of great use.

With some modifications, they could build this engine and use it to improve the spaceship.

That would be amazing. If a spaceship had an engine that could move an entire planet, how terrifying would that be?

If the engine were to explode, would it take the planet with?

Just thinking about it made Newt excited.

Nuclear weapons were the future weapons of mankind. They were the kind of weapons that could destroy a planet in just a single shot.

If such a monstrous weapon was equipped onto the spaceship, then even if there was intelligent life on Kepler, they wouldn't have to be afraid.


On the spaceship's public broadcast.

Another bet had been set up.

The bet was when would Shawn stop working.