America Publicly Announces They Wish to Save That Man

Businesses around the world couldn't put this super live broadcast past them.

During such a major live broadcast, even if only one percent of the people paid attention to the ads, it would mean a huge fortune.

The prices for ad spaces were also extremely high.

In the past back on Earth, the cost of advertising during prime time on television was several million yuan.

At that time, upon hearing the price, many would sigh.

But now? It was just a text advertisement that briefly flashed across the screen. The ad could not exceed 50 words.

This advertisement had a sky-high price of 30 million.

If there were too many words, the time spent on the screen would be longer and the price would be even higher...

"Should I say this or not? I think the Ball Owner is an expert in game design? Who understands how good the Ball Owner's design is?"

Indian male: "His design skills are average, slightly weaker than mine."

"Get lost..."

"Get lost..."

"Get lost..."

Another wave of comments flooded the screen.

"Look, what is that?"

Everyone watched with great intent. The screen had switched and James' face appeared again.

"We are about to broadcast something important."

Everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Could there be something wrong with the spaceship?

James said expressionlessly, "We bring you this important news."

Some people in front of the big screen gulped.

Anyone who was eating stopped as well.

"It gets hot in the summer. Herbal tea, you only need a red can..."

The screen had suddenly changed and then returned to normal just as quickly.

For a few seconds, everyone was stunned.

"What? That was it?"

"An advertisement?"

"Do advertisements work like that?"

"It's that red can again? What's a red can?"

"Herbal tea. Is it a cooling tea or the red can?"

Everyone felt their minds go blank.

A large number of people were currently online searching for it.

They then posted their findings on the public screen.

"Herbal tea is a kind of Chinese drink to keep cool in the summer. It has the effect of removing body heat and soothes the body."

"Is that what it is? Is it effective?"

The internet went crazy, and so did the Chinese herbal tea merchants.

In just over ten minutes, their company sales were equivalent to the total global sales volume of the past three years.

A fat boss man sat in the conference room of the spaceship. All the shareholders had smiles on their faces.

"Now, does anyone still think that the one billion advertising fee wasn't worth it? You have to understand that this is only the first wave of orders.

"The value of the ad will only increase over time."

All the shareholders were busy flattering the fat boss.

In the American command ship, General Newt said, "What are our country's businesses doing? Such a good opportunity was snatched away by the other countries."

"Would it kill them to spend some money on advertising to increase the government's revenue?"

"General Newt, why don't we lower the standards for advertising..."

The blonde beauty said.

"Lower my ass, raise the price, raise the price, double it," General Newt said.

The reason why the United States had the biggest stake in this super live broadcast was that the command ship was the leading ship of the space fleet.

The United States was also the main developer of space-folding technology.

Moreover, James was also the commentator of the Earth documentary. This gave him a great advantage.

However, in the face of such a crucial moment, it seemed like the American businesses were always one step behind.

This was no different from throwing money away.

Super live broadcast.

How immense was the scale? People from all over the world were watching the same live broadcast program.

Super heavy traffic, do you know how many people there were in this world? More than ten billion.

If each person contributed a penny, an ordinary person would have enough money to feed themselves for several lifetimes.

Many thick-skinned people wanted to get attention. They made many weird comments on the public chat. These people were shameless.

To most people of the world, they thought Shawn was just drawing.

People always thought that if they couldn't understand it, someone else would be able to.

Those who were supposed to understand it didn't either though. They thought that Shawn was merely doodling.

Only the top scientific research officials of the various countries understood what Shawn was drawing.

Lowell, preceding his uncle's reputation, was a famous scientist from the American Technology Corporation in the United States.

Ron had awarded him with many science and technology accolades. 

He had his eyes on this huge market.

Holding a glass of red wine, he slowly swirled it as he looked at his research team.

"What do you think Mr. Shawn is drawing?"

No one said anything.

With their abilities, they couldn't tell what it was.

"I have to admit that Mr. Shawn has some talent but the drawing of his propeller is reversed."

He studied Shawn's blueprint.

The assistant interrupted, "Boss, should we put in some ads too?"

"Put in ads? Do you think money grows on trees? Only those idiots in China are willing to spend so much money on advertising."

No one dared to make a sound.

Lowell said with a confident look on his face, "On Twitter, people assume Mr. Shawn is building a rocket thruster but because of his lack of knowledge, his drawing is not accurate at all."

Finally, he added, "Stupid man, your rocket propeller is drawn backward. If you want to attract attention, why is there any need to advertise?"

Suddenly, the American company posted a message on Twitter.

"Boss, there's a reply." His subordinate immediately said, "Also, we have more than a million replies."

A smile appeared on Lowell's face. "It's unbelievable. It seems that our company still has some standing in this world. Open it and take a look."

He took a sip of red wine and shook it again. A smile appeared on his face.

With this operation, his company's reputation would once again rise in the eyes of the world.

Its hidden business value was simply unbelievable.

The assistant excitedly switched the public screen and went on Twitter.

"Tons, tons, tons..."

The millions of comments dazzled everyone.

In the meeting room, Lowell's red wine glass fell to the ground without him realizing it.

In the meeting room, every member was also dumbfounded.

"Stupid human, I think you're an idiot."

"What do you know about Earth? The rocket system is reversed? Are you sure?"

"The Ball Master is clearly drawing a rocket, and you call yourself a technology company. It's a completely useless company."

There were over a million scalding messages.

Lowell's face turned ferocious.


He slammed the table and stood up, saying, "Stupid, stupid, a bunch of ordinary people, what do they know?"

He had never expected such an outcome.

He had wanted to get more people to acknowledge him but he had instead shot himself in the foot.

"Check the ID for me. Who exactly is bad mounting us?" Lowell said fiercely.

His men went to check the ID.

After awhile, his men said with a bitter face, "Boss, the ID is encrypted. We can't find the exact source of the information. We can only trace the ordinary people that are following the thread..."


Lowell had the urge to vomit blood.

"Damn it, what do you do for a living? You can't even find an ID?"

"What do I do for a living?"

Ring, ring, ring….

Lowell's phone rang. Lowell was shocked and quickly picked it up.

"Lowell, you idiot. You're using the name of a technology company on Twitter to try to smear Mr. Shawn's reputation. I'll terminate your company's contract..."

"Uncle, I..."

Du du du du...

On the other side, Ron Hung up the phone.


Lowell was a little dumbfounded.

His uncle Ron was his true backer.

This whole technology company was all thanks to Ron.

After being scolded, Lowell was a little dumbfounded.

"What happened?"

"Boss, do you want to delete the negative comments?"

Lowell nodded and added, "Delete the messages that I just posted on Twitter."

He opened the comments again.

There was another sea of abuse.

"It seems that the leader of this technology company is a retard."

"So he's a retard. No wonder he became a member of Parliament."

"Yeah, just because his uncle has a reputation, he thinks he can do anything he wants?"

"Just because he has some ability, does that mean he can do whatever he wants?"

Shua shua shua...

Every single moment, tens, hundreds, or even thousands of curses flashed across the big screen.

He could finally be considered famous but for the wrong reason.

"Quickly delete it. Delete it! This has to be a malicious attack by a technology company from another country..."

Lowell said in horror.

His subordinates got the job done quickly. Using the company's technology, deleting the comments was just a matter of pressing a few buttons

"Everyone, look. They've deleted the thread. They're feeling guilty."

Lowell had the urge to vomit blood.

"They're definitely going to destroy Twitter later. Everyone, quick, take a screenshot."

"How can this be… How can this be..." Lowell cried.

Lowell quickly switched to the public screen.

He realized that the public comments were slowly changing in nature.

He couldn't tell what had changed their direction.

What he didn't know was that although the various countries around the world were good at keeping secrets, there were always some people who had came out to clear Shawn's name.

He couldn't understand Shawn's design? It wouldn't kill him to say some kind words instead.

These people, most of them were real scientists. They were the kind of people with a global reputation that far surpassed Lowell's.

Chinese scientist: "The blueprint drawn by Mr. Shawn is a brand new mechanical blueprint design."

Famous Japanese scientist: "Those who trade in stocks are indeed geniuses. They can even design a mechanical blueprint."

Black Ball Country: "Yeah, although I don't understand it, the amount of knowledge used in this is simply outrageous."

Countless comments enlightened Lowell to the truth. Many people had commented on this and they were the most prominent figures in the scientific and technology community. Among them was the American science and technology world champion, Rowan.

After reading these comments, Lowell understood the situation. These people were supporting Shawn through the public chats.

If they were to speak ill of Shawn now, would that be equal to courting death? Was that what this was?

The public screen suddenly switched to the image of James.

"We have some important news."

"F*ck, here we go again. Are we going to let this stand? There are too many advertisements."

Countless people started cursing.

"The general of the United States, General Newt, and the senators have decided unanimously that no matter what the cost, they will save Mr. Shawn from Earth."