The Guilty Davis!

When Alice first saw Davis, her instinct told her something was wrong with him.

After being a police officer for so long, she had handled countless cases and met countless victims' families.

Therefore, she had seen too many reactions from these people.

However, Davis' expression gave her a very unnatural feeling, as if he was faking it.

It immediately aroused Alice's suspicion.

Moreover, her suspicion was very reasonable.

Because, according to the theory of criminal psychology, whoever was the biggest beneficiary was most likely to be the murderer.

And based on Alice's knowledge, the old Rodriguez had two sons. One was Ada, and the other was Davis.

Ada was the first in line to succeed him.

Therefore, as long as Ada died, Davis would become the heir to a billion-dollar fortune.

In the face of fortune, the so-called family relationship was not worth mentioning.

Because of this, many people fought to the death.

Alice had seen too much, so she immediately cast a suspicious glance at Davis.

At this moment, hearing Alice's words, Davis's heart immediately skipped a beat.

Could it be that the Puppeteer was exposed and did not clean up his traces?

He could not help but swallow his saliva and began to think about nonsense.

The so-called guilty conscience was referring to him.

However, all of this happened in a flash.

Almost in an instant, Davis regained his expression of grief and indignation.

However, Alice's eyes were extremely sharp, and she was intentionally staring at Davis. Therefore, she saw the change in his expression in that instant.

Alice could not help but confirm her own judgment. There was a big problem with this Davis!

He definitely had something to do with Ada's death!

It was very likely that he was the mastermind behind Ada's death!

"If you have any doubts, feel free to ask. As long as it is helpful to my brother's case, I will tell you everything," Davis replied in a pretentious manner.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Davis. If that's the case, let's get started shall we?"

Alice nodded calmly and said, "I heard that Mr. Davis and Mr. Ada are in a very good relationship. Both of you get along very well, right?"

"That's right," Davis said with certainty.

"As far as I know, Mr. Rodriguez once made a will. After his death, Mr. Ada will inherit all of his shares in the pharmaceutical group while Mr. Davis, you can only get some real estate and cash. Don't you feel that it's a little unfair?" Alice asked.


Hearing this, Davis instantly exploded.

He jumped up abruptly and roared, "What do you mean by that? Are you saying that I have something to do with this case and my brother was killed by me?"

As he said this, he turned to the Chief angrily and said, "What kind of quality do your people have? How can you spout nonsense without any evidence? I want to file a complaint against you! I must file a complaint against you!"

"Oh, Mr. Davis, please calm down. Alice is still young. It's inevitable that her words and actions are not steady enough. Please understand."

The Chief smiled and comforted him. As he said that, he pretended to be serious and said in a deep voice, "Alice, aren't you going to apologize to Mr. Davis?"

"Yes," Alice said expressionlessly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Davis. My question was a little too blunt. I didn't think it through. I apologize to you."

"Hmmph, you're done with just an apology? Let me tell you..." Davis shouted loudly without mercy.

But before he could finish, a deep and hoarse magnetic voice suddenly sounded, interrupting him.

"What else do you want?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an imposing old man with a head full of white hair walked in under the protection of his bodyguards.


Seeing the old man, Davis was immediately shocked and hurriedly went up to him. "Why are you here?"

"Mr. Rodriguez!"

The person was the famous and influential figure in Gotham City, the chairman of the Gotham Medical Group, Rodriguez!

The Chief and Alice did not dare to neglect such a figure and greeted him respectfully.

The old Rodriguez was extremely imposing. He casually responded and then turned his head to look at Davis.

His eyes were indifferent as he just quietly watched.

It made Davis broke out in cold sweat.

He was able to reach his current social status, control a huge corporation, and possess monstrous power and wealth.

Whether it was shrewdness or methods, they were all extraordinary.

Moreover, he was extremely knowledgeable and had experienced countless schemes and plots.

Therefore, he had seen clearly that Davis was the biggest beneficiary of Ada's death.

Moreover, he had already overheard the conversation between Alice and Davis at the door.

He had seen all of Davis' reactions and could not help but think that he was indeed suspicious.

However, he was still uncertain.

After all, Davis had always gotten along well with Ada since he was young.

He did not find any signs of resentment toward him and Ada.

Thinking of this, he pondered for a moment, and said, "This is the police station, not a place for you to mess around. I believe that the police forces will give me a satisfactory answer regarding Ada's matter,"

As he spoke, he turned to look at the Chief and asked, "Isn't that so, Chief?"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Rodriguez. Please rest assured. Our police station will do our best to investigate the matter clearly," the Chief quickly replied respectfully.

"Very good," Rodriguez nodded and added, "I understand Ada very well. Although he likes to play and mess around a little, he is still very cautious. Moreover, he has a mild heart disease and will not randomly take drugs. I hope you are clear about this."

"Yes, thank you for the information provided by Mr. Rodriguez. This will be very helpful to our investigation."

Even though Alice had brought it up just now, the Chief still pretended not to know and thanked him.

"Well, that's all for now. I'll go back and wait patiently for the news."

Rodriguez nodded and then turned to leave.

Seeing this, Davis also hurriedly followed.

"Sigh, this is going to be difficult."

After the two men disappeared at the door, the Chief could not help but sigh. He smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that the case won't be solved anytime soon. Alice, I'll have to trouble you from now on to investigate carefully. It's best if you can find some clues. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain myself."

"Yes, don't worry, Chief."

Alice nodded heavily.

At this moment, her heart was full of fighting spirit.

Although there was no progress at the moment, she believed that there was no perfect crime in the world.

As long as something was done, then there would definitely be traces left behind.

It was just that they hadn't found anything yet.

She had already thought about it.

Since she couldn't find anything at the scene, she might as well look at it from another angle, starting from Ada's side.

For example, where he lived, his friends, and who he had come into contact with recently. Including his mistresses, all of them became her investigation targets.