Exposed, Crazy Davis!

On the road, an extended Rolls Royce was speeding along.

In the car.

In the spacious backseat, Rodriguez sat quietly with his eyes closed, not saying a word.

Beside him, Davis' expression was a little unnatural.

Just now at the police station, the way Rodriguez looked at him made him feel uneasy. He had a bad feeling about it.

Now, when the two of them were alone, he became even more nervous, so much so that cold sweat started to drip down his forehead.

Suddenly, a ringing phone broke the dead silence in the car.

It was Rodriguez's phone.

He took it out casually and put it by his ear to answer the call.

"Hello? Okay, I got it. Thank you, my friend."

Davis didn't know what was said on the other end of the phone.

A look of surprise flickered in Rodriguez's eyes. After a moment of silence, he said sternly, "Please help me investigate again and find out which assassin killed my son. I will repay you heavily."

At this moment.

Hearing the word 'assassin', Davis' heart dropped. His eyes were filled with terror!

It was over!

His father had obviously asked someone to investigate. And they had already found out that Ada did not die by accident. He was killed by someone!

Thinking of this, Davis' heart sank. He felt that his throat was extremely dry, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty.

At this time, Rodriguez also finished his call.

After hanging up, he turned to look at the scenery outside the window and asked faintly, "Davis, do you know about the dark net?"


Davis' pupils suddenly enlarged. He tried hard to control his facial expression, but the corners of his eyes could not stop twitching.

His entire body went stiff, and his hands and feet were cold.

He slowly turned his head and saw that Rodriguez was not looking at him. He was facing the window. He could not help but let out a sigh of relief and stuttered, "No... I don't know, Father. What is the dark net?"

"The dark net is a platform that deals with people's lives. On this website, you can issue missions, hire assassins, and kill anyone you want to kill. The assassins can also accept missions, kill targets, and earn rewards,"

"Simply put, it is an illegal professional assassin platform," Rodriguez explained emotionlessly. No one could tell what he was thinking.

Davis pretended to just know about it and asked in surprise, "Is... is there such a website? Why didn't I know about it? If that's the case, why don't the government and the police care about it and just let it happen and grow?"

Actually, he was not entirely pretending.

He did know about the dark net, but he did not understand why it could exist so peacefully.

Rodriguez smiled and said, "It's not that they don't care about it, but they can't."

"This world has never been just black and white. It is full of gray areas everywhere. The dark net is like this. When there is a demand, there is a market. It's very simple logic, but even so, it can be seen that the organization or person who created this dark net is extremely powerful,"

"Over the years, I've heard of many people, including the officials, who have tried to find the source behind the dark net, but all of them have failed. They could not even find a trace of it. How terrifying is that?"

"And in the long run, gradually, everyone has given up. They just let it exist as long as it doesn't interfere with the lives of ordinary people,"

"Moreover, the existence of the dark net has indeed solved a lot of problems. Sometimes, the authorities will even issue missions on it!"

"I see."

Davis was secretly staggered. He didn't expect the dark net to be so powerful.

Then, he asked tentatively, "Don't tell me... Father, are you saying that the death of Big Brother is related to the dark net?"

"That's right. I immediately asked my friend to investigate the cause of your brother's death. In the end, he just called me and said that on the dark net, someone posted a mission to kill your brother. Moreover, this mission has already been accepted and it shows that it has been completed. Two million dollars! Oh, is my son only worth that much?" Rodriguez's voice was filled with rage.

Davis was furious. He shouted, "So it's like this! I really thought that Big Brother died by accident. I didn't expect that someone would secretly harm him! Who exactly is it that has such a great enmity with Big Brother?"

"I must find him. I want to tear him into pieces and console Big Brother's soul in heaven."

He seemed to be really angry. His face was flushed red. His fists were clenched tightly, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

However, when he acted like this, Rodriguez did not give any response. He did not even turn around to look at him.

Seeing this, Davis was surprised. He did not know what this meant.

Time passed bit by bit.

Just when Davis relaxed his nerves, suddenly, Rodriguez fiercely turned his head and stared at him with a deadly expression. He snapped, "You really don't know what the dark net is? You don't know anything about this?"

"This... I really don't know, Father. Don't tell me you also think that I'm the suspect for Big Brother's death?"

Davis was scared to death. His eyes instantly became aghast.

However, he reacted very quickly and immediately pretended to be wronged.

As he spoke, he couldn't help but cry.

It was as if he was crying at the thought of it.

If it was anyone else who saw it, they wouldn't suspect that it was all an act.

With such acting skills, he would've gotten the Oscars for best actor in Hollywood if Davis didn't come from a rich family.

Unfortunately, all of this could not fool Rodriguez. He had seen through everything.

He had already suspected Davis. This time, he took advantage of his surprise and shouted angrily. When he was caught off guard, the subtle change in his expression could not fool him at all. Although it was only a momentary change in his gaze, it had already been caught by Rodriguez.

His gaze was incomparably fierce. His face was ferocious and terrifying. He gritted his teeth. "Ada is your biological brother! How could you do it? ? Tell me! Why?"

"Huh? No, I didn't..."

Davis' face went pale and he hurriedly shook his head to explain.

But Rodriguez seemed to have determined that he was the murderer, and angrily interrupted him. "Are you insulting my intelligence? At the end of the day, you still refuse to admit it!"

"Tell me, what exactly is the reason? What did Ada do to you? How could you be so crazy to hire an assassin to kill your own brother, you bastard!"

Hearing this, Davis opened his mouth but no words came out.

His eyes were initially filled with fear but they soon calmed down. In the end, they became incomparably vicious.

At this moment, his entire body was trembling.

Since the matter had already been exposed, so what if he simply admitted it?

Thinking of this, Davis's mood calmed down. He suddenly raised his head and laughed sinisterly, "So what if I did it?"

"I just want to kill him. He seems to be a good big brother who is considerate of his younger brother to the outside world. But don't think that I don't know! He has never respected me. He did not treat me well! He's just pretending in front of you,"

"And you are old and stupid. We are all your sons. Why do you have to be so biased and treat him so well? You gave him everything and left me with a little property of yours. He deserves to die just because of that!"