Acceptance pt.2

[Training grounds]

"Hiro: see we made it in time

"Goro: yeah yeah"

"Hachi:pls split in two groups group1 made of boys and group2 made of girls and after you have done that i want group on to follow me for your routinely medical examination and group2 to follow Ms Nana over here so they can have theirs."

"Nana: now boys and girls pls hurry up ."

[girls room]

"Nana: like i have told you girls hiro was alright so you dont have to worry i was even informed from Dr Franxx that he was with Hiro yesterday and was running some test and he needed his assistance."

"Nana: now pls code 015 come here the rest wait outside in the waiting area."

[meanwhile in the boys deticated area for regular check ups ]

"Hachi: pls come one by on in numerical order."

"Hiro:right away sir."

(A.N. THE only way that i can think of that they dint find out that hiro had Klaxosaur blood in his system is that it is inactive it is in a very low percentage and they didnt do a deep enough examination.)

'Hiro pov: i am currently going to get a check up and i really hope that they wont realise that i have Klaxosaur blood in me like they dint know about cannon hiro because i cant think of a way that i can reguraly skip it without being suspicious and being eventually forced to have a check up fingers crossed.'

'just after the check up Hiro pov:it didnt seem like he found anything wierd so i have to assume that the blood is inactive.thank god because i wasnt looking forward to becoming a lab rat for the rest of my days.'

"Hachi:pls call in 056 and i am happy to see that you are fine 016."

"Hiro : ok sir"

"Hiro: Goro its your turn pls go in."

"Goro: thank hiro see you in a bit"

"Zorome: I am glad you are ok hiro because now i have the chance to beat you this time in the training."

'Hiro pov:i see he is going to be an as**** when he grows up but now he is just a competitive kid so i can work with this so he doesnt become that even though in the ending he turns out alright.'

"Hiro: ok zorome it is ok to be a little competitive but you shouldnt let this get in your head because we are a team in the end and we have to work together isnt that right Mitsuru,Futoshi?

"Futoshi :yeah i am with hiro on this ."

"Mitsuru; i am with hiro seens it make our team building excercises harder."

"Zorome: not you to Mitsuro a little competitiveness never hurt anybody."

'Hiro pov: as i am about to speak so i can help him understand that that is not just a little bit competitiveness i hear'

"Mitsuru: yes a little competitiveness is helpfull but you are overdoing it and you are seen hiro as an opponent instead of an ally."

'hiro :nice one mitsuru that was why you were my favourite in the anime .'

"Hiro: also you should start being more considerate of othe peoples fellings and opinions and be less emotional about certain things and not blame Miku for your losses you are hurting her more that way."

(zorome grabs hiro by the collar of his shirt and)"Zorome:dont tell me what to do hiro you are not the leader you are not better than me s so you better drop that superior attitude of yours."

"Hiro: you know that i dont mean any of those in the way you think i mean them i just advising my friend on one of his mistakes and as you can see you have just proven it"

"Hachi: 056(Goro) pls call 666(Zorome) next because he is causing a ruckus."

"Goro: ok sir."

'Goro pov:as i come in the waiting room i see hiro who has finished talking to zorome calmly even though zorome is holding him by the collar and zorome who is clenching his fist and is getting ready to hit hiro so i have to intervene thank papa that hachi noticed everything.'

"Goro: Zorome you are next Hachi called you."

"Zorome: this isnt over hiro ."(storms inside the room where Goro just came from.)

"Hiro:thank you Goro i owe you one."

"Goro: i didnt do anything hiro hachi was the one who helped."

"Hiro:ohh ok then i have to thank hachi too but dont look down on yourself if you wanted you could have waited but you didnt you are a good person Goro who looks out for other so come here it so happens that a seat is opened up next to me."