(Meanwhile zerotwo is being prepared to have her memories of her escape and meeting with Hiro erased and she is struggling to escape their hold because she is afraid of them.)
[Memory erasing room]
"Dr Franxx: is she ready for the procedure."
"Random doctor: yes she is ready we have been monitoring her vitals constantly since she has been brought back"
"Dr Franxx: excellent lets begin."
(During the procedure)
"Dr Franxx: pls stop it seems that she is resisting the machine and we can't erase her memories release her and shutdown the machine."
'Dr Franxx: hmm interesting what connection did she build with code016 that she holds those memories so dear that we can not wipe them.another problem might be that she is the clone of subject 001 and she is not human but if that was it why did the machine even start so that bring me back to my original thought what happened between those two when they escaped.I will have to keep a closer eye to 016 haha finally a change happened.'
[Back in the practice grounds after both groups did their medical check-ups and grouped up]
"Ichigo: hello Hiro glad to see that you are ok."
"Hiro:hello to you too ichigo."
"Goro: hello ichigo how are you today."
"Ichigo: i am fine goro it's so kind of you."
(Goro smiles goofily)
"Hiro: Goro earth to goro are you there"
"Goro: i am here Hiro it is just that i kind of can't hide my emotions when i am speaking to her."
"Hiro:goro you need to get your head in the game and be more assertive,confident and brave around her if you want to Impress her and a better bond with her."
"Goro: are you sure about that Hiro."
"Hiro: yeah man o wouldn't lie to you but you also need to be natural and not to overdo it and also take it slow so you can let both of you to adjust to the change."
"Goro:ok hiro from tomorrow i am going to start following your advice but you need to fill me up more so i can understand better what I am suppose to do."
"Hiro: don't worry that was my plan anyway."
"Miku :what are you talking about so secretly that you don't want others to know about."
"Hiro : it's nothing important we are just exchanging tips on how to pilot Franxx better."
"Miku with i didn't believe anything you said just know look : yeah sure sure."
"Hachi : gather up so we can start doing warm up exercises."
"Everyone responds: yes sir"
Hachi pls do 2 laps around the running track."
(AN:it is only 2 laps because they are still young and have just started physical training.)