Javier is lost?

Ellen's lips were sealed and there was no reply from his side, which made Jennifer panicked. But still, she patiently waited for him to say but no, there was nothing he uttered.

At last, when she lost the hope of gaining any answer from his side, Jennifer looked out of the helicopter, down in the water and her eyes fell on the deserted beach from where they just escaped. 

There were some of the people, looking at their side, at the helicopter but they weren't able to do anything as they are very far. But her longing eyes never found Javier. No, she was pretty much sure that he wasn't there. Then, where is he? 

"Javier..." She called his name in between her breaths, but to no avail because there was literally no one. She can't his figure at all. Is he dead? NO! Obviously not! Injured? she can't say much about it because it was something that only he knew.