Last breathe

Jennifer hugged Javier as if it was the last day of her life, the last breath she was taking in this lifetime. Tears continuously poured out for her eyes, as there was no end to the feelings she felt. The sentiments were all mixed: Anxiousness, happiness, adventure, and what not! 

"Sh..Nothing happened to me." Javier brought his hand behind her, to caress her back slightly and provide her the warmth she was craving for. It wasn't easy to escape the danger yet he successfully did. 

"I..Know..I..I thought y...You will not make it.." she somehow uttered those words in her dismay, with stumbles which made Javier smile but at the same time, he knew that how badly Jennifer might have been traumatized. 

Both of them were wet due to the swimming, and Ryan just put the towel on both of their shoulders, to make them remember that they both weren't alone in this cockpit!