A death Wish!

Not only Lucas but Olivia was also stunned to the core. Never in her wildest dream, did she expect that the other man will put forward such a demand. It was not only huge, but the brother of his was someone, whom they caught years ago. 

'Is the man in his senses already? It has been so long. He did everything like this....just to get his brother out of our clutches? Gosh..' if it was how she imagined, her mind is on the verge of bursting. 

Did he make such a high risk because of such a mere person? For his brother? Moreover, as far as she remembered from her past, Shawn's brother was caught in their state on the tour.

Someone alleged that he was here to spy but as expected out of Lucas's grandfather, he put him behind the bars, and since then, he is there itself. 

"You are talking about our brother...who was here ten years ago," Lucas asked in the much colder tone which was more like an Atlantic wind.