Arrange Marriage!

His words were clear-cut. Emily's face lost all its color when she heard his words and her lips sealed immediately.

In her imagination, she never expected something so distant from his side. He was too rude to her despite her sweet behavior towards him. 

When she didn't say anything further, Javier was relieved and was back on his own work, which was to make breakfast for the two of them, Jenifer and himself.

Chopping the vegetables, while sitting on the dining table, he ignored Emily's presence like thin air. 

For him, she was no fiance. More likely to say, she was his childhood friend.

But that friendship broke years ago when she accepted this arrangement. Deep down, he was aware that she liked him too much, to beg her parents to get them to hitch.

But the unfortunate events caused him to get angry when his father agreed to the engagement without his consultation.