Warming his Bed

Everything was kind of shocking for her to know. The Johnson family was no less complicated than the Smiths.

Moreover, how can she define that the ruby, which was supposed to be of Javier's family, is actually now with no one else but with her fiance? When both, her kidnapper and her fiance are deadly enemies.

Jennifer gulped the amount of saliva when she realized her tough spot. For now, she is hidden but when she is supposed to go back, what else is she supposed to go by then?

Staying by Javier's side or just… escape the cage? 'But.. what will I even gain by living here? Am I ready to be the third person in his relationship with Emily?' From the bottom of her heart, she hates the homewreckers. How can she end up and go for it?

"Miss, shall we leave now? We have more places to visit as well." The one and only Ryan came near her and Ellen and asked her politely.