Lucas and Jennifer's connection?!

David's eyes glimmered in horror. He can't believe that Amara thought of something like this. "Are you out of your mind? Do you wish to be entangled in the fight between Johnson and Smiths?" 

"Haha, if we don't step in now, then everything will be revealed and we will lose Jennifer! Do you wish to let her go despite knowing her real status?" Amara raises her voice slightly while sending glares in her husband's direction.

David was too occupied with mixed emotions.

Despite knowing the hard reality and when Lucas wasn't paying attention to them, the only solution left is for them to figure out how to bring Jennifer back.

Lifting his eyes, he asked, "How are we supposed to do that?" 

"By taking a flight to another state or what else? I know this will be difficult but use your contacts."

A dangerous glint passed through her eyes. She was determined in her actions and David somehow agreed with her in his mind.