Caught them..!

Olivia was working in her cabin when she received a call from her people. "We tried to contact Johnsons. It is still unknown if they will try to help us or not... but we can at least try."

The screen of the Laptop displayed in front of Olivia was wide but her eyes omitted coldness. "Alright. But try to curry favors from them.:

"You don't forget your mission as well." The phone was hung up by the other party after making her realize her role in Lucas's life and as his secretary.

Olivia looked at her phone which the other person hanged and a scoff escaped her mouth.

'And here I ended up falling for that bastard who.. actually..' she can't believe that everything was only going against her.

At first, Lucas doesn't care about her deep feelings, and on the other side, her people are constantly reminding her about the mission of sending and pushing her at the bay of emotions.