Actress turned Prostitute

She mumbled in between her breath, as she let out a tired sigh. Nothing could make her feel anything except emptiness in her own body.

The scenes she earlier witnessed were enough to send her in a state of shock. 

Subconsciously, her hand moved towards her heart to clutch it tightly. 'Cmon Olivia, you know that he can't change yet you expected something..' 

It was hard to convince yourself of something which seems unrealistic. The oath was simply shattered into thin pieces. It wasn't only tough to pick the fragments of her smashed trust but she had to gear up herself. 

The images of the two of them, Seren and Lucas, were freshly printed in her mind, 'Gosh..what have I even seen for now.. yuck..' she can't believe her own eyes.

At this point, she kept her head against her stretched hand. It wasn't how she is. But the circumstances around her constantly reminded her about what her mission was.