Slept with Javier?!

At this point, Shawn's body vessels were on the verge of raging out.

He can't tolerate the insolent behavior of Javier, who was bent on making them leave so easily? Why?! Moreover, these words simply degreadingEmily! 

"Javier! Remember who we are?!" one again, their surname was brought in between their talks which in return made Javier roll his eyes

It was considered to be rude but he didn't care at all, "We are Johnsons and we don't step back from our words, right? Sorry, but I don't agree on the same." 

Jennifer was holding her heart from laughing at this moment. His words were simply making them both, mother and her dear daughter in law getting on their nerves and fury were evident on their faces too. 

Moreover, how can Emily simply put her leg behind without speaking? To add more fire into the pit she added on.